November 03, 2014

Source: Shutterstock

The main difference between “€œtransgender”€ people and schizophrenics is that you don”€™t see schizophrenics demanding that their psychological disorder be celebrated.

The gerund “€œmisgendering”€ is of recent coinage and is meant to denote the act of observing that a man who claims he’s a woman still appears to be a man, or vice-versa. Being misgendered, according to those who have suffered it, is an apparently painful experience that can drive some to suicide.

In Tennessee, an assistant high-school principal has come under fire for misgendering a very butch and mannish lesbian student who calls herself Heaven Nelson by referring to her as “€œyoung man”€ from behind and telling her to tuck in her shirt. The principal added injury to insult by then saying, “€œWe don”€™t do this at Hillcrest, he/she/whatever you are,”€ at which point Cosmopolitan says that Nelson “€œand her friends became rightfully hurt and offended.”€ Nelson’s mother was apparently horrified by the misgendering and told a reporter, “€œShe could have come home and committed suicide or anything.”€ Although these sorts of things used to be known as “€œwhite people problems,”€ Nelson is black.

In Las Vegas, a strange and exotic and apparently obese creature who calls herself Jackson Nightshade is a graduate student specializing in marriage and family therapy. Nightshade was born a woman but still isn”€™t sure what gender she is, which is why she insists that people use neutral pronouns such as “€œthey,”€ “€œthem,”€ and “€œtheir”€ when referring to her. Nightshade, who is often misgendered because lady looks like a dude, recently gave a lecture at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas about what it means to be transgender on campus, even thought she obviously still hasn”€™t figured it out for herself.

Lorelei Erisis, a towering, broad-shouldered, lantern-jawed, big-chinned “€œtranswoman,”€ wails that he is “€œmisgendered horrendously”€ when he wears jeans and a T-shirt on the streets. “€œI am definitely a woman,”€ Erisis insists, against all biological evidence and what most people’s eyes tell them.

At a town-hall meeting in Minnesota, Zeam Porter (seriously, what’s with these names?)”€”a teenage girl with a girl’s breasts and a girl’s voice who played on a high-school girls”€™ basketball team, cried like a mental patient on videotape about being misgendered:

My love for basketball last year made me believe I could handle being on the wrong team. That was wrong. Constantly being misgendered and called the wrong name took away my soul. I already feel like I don”€™t have my body”€”now I am soulless.

As you wish, ma”€™am.

This past August, transsexual activist Parker Marie Molloy launched a campaign that eventually got Taki’s Mag writer Gavin McInnes fired from his own company. Molloy, without a shred of supporting evidence, called McInnes’s article “€œviolent”€ in a follow-up article disputing Gavin’s allegation that transsexuals were mentally ill gay people. Mere days later, Molloy told another transsexual to “DRINK BLEACH” and “CUT YOURSELF,” which would by most objective standards be more directly violent toward trannies than anything Gavin wrote. More recently, Molloy flipped the hell out after a customer-service rep who’d phoned the unstable activist “mistakenly assumed Molloy was male” due to Parker’s unmistakably male-sounding voice. Oh, the luxury of living in a delusion while calling the world insane!

The international coalition of egalitarian useful idiots who are convinced they”€™re supporting progress when they”€™re merely enabling the progress of global finance and eventual global government boasts a particularly virulent strain in the Great White North, which will be neither great nor white if it keeps plodding along its current path.

Modern leftism is riddled with gaping logical flaws, and one that tends to gape the widest is its curious protectiveness toward Islam, which is the most rampagingly anti-woman and anti-gay belief system currently extant.

A trio of activist filmmakers in Ottawa decided it would be a good idea for one of them to dress in Islamic garb while the other pretended to be a white racist who didn”€™t want to get on the same bus with a Muslim. Apparently hoping to show that Canadians were “€œracist”€ even though Islam isn”€™t a race, they instead found that white Canucks were highly offended at the presence of a man who didn’t want Muslims in his presence. The well-meaning activist was eventually sucker-punched on camera, which gave him a right good bloody nose. He concluded that this was a good thing, because it proved that Canadians were so tolerant, they would not tolerate intolerant people to the point that they”€™d physically assault them.


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