March 06, 2016

Chris Rock

Chris Rock

Source: Bigstock

If there is a political figure in world history whom the Powers That Be have more aggressively tried to squash than Donald Trump, we are not aware of any such personage. Desperate to stop what seems like Trump’s inevitable march to the GOP nomination, reporters have incessantly pressured Trump to “€œdisavow”€ an alleged “€œendorsement”€ by former Klansman David Duke. Although Trump has publicly “€œdisavowed”€ Duke at least a dozen times, the reigning narrative is that he has steadfastly refused to disavow him.

Now comes David Duke with a video claiming that reporters never bothered to contact him about the matter:

Specifically, I have said clearly in every time I have talked about his candidacy that I am not endorsing Donald Trump.

Duke points out that both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama showered praise upon Democratic Senator Robert Byrd upon his death in 2010. Byrd not only spent more time in the Klan than Duke, he also achieved a higher ranking, namely the coveted position of Exalted Cyclops. The uncomfortable fact is that no one seems to be pressuring Bernie Sanders to “€œdisavow”€ open endorsements from communists. But that shouldn”€™t be an issue, anyway, and it’s laughable”€”not to mention problematic and unacceptable”€”to draw such false equivalencies. After all, communists only killed about 110 million people, whereas the Klan and their sympathizers lynched a staggeringly unforgivable total of 3,446 blacks.

In other racially themed news about the looming election”€”because, let’s face it, America’s biggest problem is racism rather than imminent financial and cultural collapse”€”Nation of Islam head honcho Louis Farrakhan has praised Donald Trump for brazenly telling Jewish donors that he doesn”€™t need their money.

And a Colorado rabbi has sternly instructed oily “€™n”€™ pervy GOP candidate Ted Cruz to “€œLeave me, Judaism and my people out of your rhetoric.”€

The glaring inconsistency in modern political discourse is that whites”€”under threat of eternal banishment from polite society”€”are never permitted to use the phrase “€œmy people.”€ Even noticing this double standard will lead to an instant invocation of Godwin’s Law.

Yet still the “€œexperts”€ appear baffled about Trump’s ascendancy. The media is shitting themselves over the fact that the people they’ve been shitting on for years finally see through their shit.


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