January 26, 2015

Billy Crystal

Billy Crystal

Source: Shutterstock

Ex-boxer Mike Tyson is known for his astute insight into human relations and world politics. While recording a new song with elderly whore-bag Madonna, Tyson recently credited Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini as a huge…musical…influence on him:

You watch Mussolini on television”€”even though we don’t understand what he’s saying”€”he is so mesmerizing. I look at myself in that way….I know people may say ‘this guy’s a fascist’ and all this stuff, but man, you can take positivity from watching him. No wonder why Hitler was attracted to him. This guy’s a hypnotic figure. There’s so much pride behind what he’s saying. I’m not even Italian and I feel the pride he’s projecting. He had that street swag; he was doing this stuff with his hands and moving his head before it was even hip-hop.

Thank you, Mike. You are truly one of the last great American entertainers.

Meanwhile, in the land of Mussolini, six men were convicted of spreading “€œfascist”€ propaganda via graffiti and posters throughout Rome from 2008-2011.

The building that houses the Santa Barbara News-Press was vandalized in early January after running this headline on January 3: “€œIllegals Line Up for Driver’s Licenses.”€ The vandals splattered pink paint on the newspaper’s headquarters as well as THE BORDER IS ILLEGAL NOT THE PEOPLE WHO CROSS IT spray-painted in red.

Despite such terroristic activities, the paper’s editors doubled down and ran a similar headline on January 16: “€œDriving Legal Opens Door to Illegals’ Past.”

NEWSPAPER RUNS MOST OFFENSIVE HEADLINE AGAINST UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS EVER screeched a very upset Latina at latina.com. Surely this young woman hasn”€™t seen very many offensive headlines. In fact, we could think of at least two dozen more potentially offensive headlines off the top of our heads.

News-Press co-publisher Arthur von Wiesenberger remains defiant: “€œWe will not give in to the thugs who are attempting to use political correctness as a tool of censorship and a weapon to shut down this newspaper.”€

While it is crucial to remind everyone in this alleged “€œrape culture”€ that women frequently make false rape allegations  against men, we must not ignore the “€œlone wolves”€ in this equation”€”the men who run around blithely making false rape accusations against women.

Twenty-year-old Zimbabwean Munashe Mazhingi (no, we don”€™t know how to pronounce it, either) has been arrested for making false reports at four different police stations about reputed gang rapes he suffered at the claws of vengeful female street rapists. When his claims were revealed to be false, he says he was merely seeking food, money, and sympathy. Typical chick behavior.


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