April 20, 2015
Source: Shutterstock
Rabbi Daniel Lapin refers to himself as “America’s Rabbi” almost as if America had actually requested one.
During a recent interview with the Family Research Council, Rabbi Lapin offered an amusing take on why American leftists are so defensive of Islam despite the fact that apart from a shared hatred of the West, Islam runs counter to everything that liberals cherish:
It’s just biology….There are countless studies showing that feminine-type behavior produces an excess of estrogen in men and vice versa. Essentially, the left has fallen in love with the masculinity of Islam. Today, after a 30- or 40-year epidemic of leftism that has swept its sordid stain across America, we”ve become much more feminized and we are attracted to the masculine strength and brutality of Islam. This is the girl in the high school being attracted to the bad, tough guy and that’s really what’s happening.
To put it even more simply, it’s a remake of Grease where modern leftists are Olivia Newton-John and Islam is John Travolta.
“Emojis“ are those supremely annoying variants on the smiley face that tend to be used in digital messaging by nearly all women and a select subset of sexually retarded men.
For years, Apple’s iPhone software releases included a set of yellow emojis, perhaps due to the simple fact that the smiley face has traditionally been depicted as yellow since its invention in the 1960s.
This, like EVERYTHING these days, led to accusations of racism. It was assumed that the yellow emojis exclusively represented white people and were therefore indisputable evidence that we continue to wallow in a toxic cultural wasteland of white privilege and institutional white supremacy.
Apple recently released 300 new emojis that run the racial gamut from white to black and nearly every possible hue in between. Naturally, this led to further cries of racism.
Writing in The Washington Post, a black female named Paige Tutt said that offering a wider array of differently hued emojis was “bastardized emoji blackface” and thus only reinforced what’s already problematic about American racism:
I”ll now question other people’s emoji use when they”re speaking to me: “Why is he sending me the black angel emoji specifically? Why is she sending me the black-girl emoji instead of the white one?” What Apple has done is introduce race into everyday conversations where it doesn”t necessarily need to be.
Oh…you mean like nearly every professional black writer in existence? Or like the people who inject racial meaning into the fact that all the smiley faces are yellow?
Using MRI scans on students, researchers at MIT and Harvard have found a positive correlation between a thicker cortex in specified brain areas and a higher family income. Where it gets depressingly hilarious is where these same researchers confuse cause and effect. Dr. John Gabrieli, one of the study’s authors, appears to be upset that all families don”t enjoy the same income. Focusing on nurture and turning a blind eye to nature, he searches for ways to make his dream a reality:
Just as you would expect, there’s a real cost to not living in a supportive environment….To me, it’s a call to action. You want to boost the opportunities for those for whom it doesn”t come easily in their environment.
Isn”t he possibly confusing chickens and eggs here? Rather than the idea that a better environment produces a better brain, has he ever considered that a better brain builds a better environment?