July 15, 2018
Source: Wikipedia Commons
Gerald Byrd is a black man who’s the Mayor Pro Tem of Carrollton, Georgia, a predominately white town west of Atlanta near the Alabama state line. He now finds himself in the cannibal’s pot after making a Facebook post depicting an Injun next to a black man with the caption:
The genocide of one race, the enslavement of another. Both people in the photo are the same. White man has and is destroying the world.
When accused of being racist, Byrd snorted that this was scientifically impossible:
I don’t think that’s a racist comment at all. You know when I think of my position here at city hall everyday it seems I’m dealing with some sort of issue of racial discrimination….It truly exists and I experience it every day in my walk. It makes me so sad that it appears to be stronger now than ever. It must end….Blacks and other minorities do not hold institutional and financial power to control any part of America except that we boycott, therefore we are not racists and cannot be.
Perhaps Byrd is unaware that if he were to free his wriggling brown body from the white man’s shackles and return to his ancestral homeland, he’d be eating raw monkey flesh and pooping in the streets.
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is helping make the world a better place with its plan to gradually reduce the school’s white population to the point where they are sorely outnumbered by minorities because then—and ONLY then—will everyone be able to receive a quality education. California’s white population overall is slightly under 40 percent of the total. The 30-page diversity initiative wants to lower its white enrollment down to that level:
In 2011, the campus was 63 percent Caucasian…in fall of 2017, it was less than 55 percent…but there is still much work to do.
Indeed there is. The fundamental project among all that work is to move the hell out of California before it’s too late.
At the University of Michigan, a black female professor has chosen to ignore the proven fact that black people simply don’t like to camp by insisting that the green movement is too white. Dorceta E. Taylor, who’s every bit as dark and fat as one might expect, is bemoaning the fact that major US environmental organizations are predominately helmed by white males rather than by women who resemble the famous hippopotami of her motherland who frolic in mud pits without a care in the world and not one drop of resentment toward white dudes.
Finally, a helpful article in The Root tells us stupid white people what words and phrases to avoid if we don’t want to be perceived as dog-whistling the term “black people.” Among these terms are “urban,” “at risk,” “Chicago,” “drug dealer,” “single parent,” “underserved,” “gang related,” and “them.”
Although they didn’t make the cut, we would also advise you to avoid the following terms when speaking of, or especially while interacting with, black people: Sambo, tar-baby, schvartse, pickaninny, Aunt Jemima, black diamonds, spear chucker, jungle bunny, banjo lips, Blackie Chan, darkie, Donkey Kong, eggplant, Huxtable, Jr. Mint, Milk dud, moon cricket, mud flaps, Canadian, pine tree ornament, Satchmo, shvoogie, and toilet swimmer.
Every Monday, Jim Goad reads the previous day’s “Week That Perished” on his podcast.