August 20, 2017
Steve Bannon
Source: Wikimedia Commons
The Week’s Most Curious, Spurious, and Injurious Headlines
Seen by many as the Trump Administration’s gin-blossomed face of anti-globalist populist fury, former Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve “The Great Manipulator” Bannon resigned as White House Chief Strategist on Friday. He will return to his role at Breitbart.
It is suspected that Bannon’s departure was at least partially engineered to take the heat off Trump for the events in Charlottesville. Bannon has routinely been depicted in the press as a white supremacist, an anti-Semite, and even a Nazi—although we’re now all Nazis, apparently.
Keeping things non-racial as the left is always wont to do, The Huffington Post originally ran a headline about Bannon’s that said “GOY, BYE!” before slightly toning it down with a follow-up headline that said, “WHITE FLIGHT.”
Using the carnage in Charlottesville as an excuse to punish anyone who dares to even think a dissident thought, this week Silicon Valley proved that corporate America is the most high-powered enforcer of Cultural Marxism in the business—stronger even than the government—by lashing at “white supremacists.” (In case you don’t know what that is, it’s an ever-expanding term that has currently swollen in meaning to denote anyone who doesn’t kneel down in a public square and apologize for being white.) Several tech giants systematically demonetized and “de-platformed” key players in the modern dissident right.
Until last week, The Daily Stormer (that link is active at the time of this writing but may be dead by the time you click on it) was easily the most abrasive and provocative white-nationalist website in the world. It was also the most heavily trafficked. After it ran an article last week that referred to Charlottesville car-plowing murder victim Heather Heyer as a “Fat, Childless 32-Year-Old Slut,” its web registrar GoDaddy revoked the Stormer’s domain name. The site briefly bounced to Google, and then to a Russian domain, before being yanked from both.
To protect itself from repeated DDoS attacks—wherein a malicious actor crashes a site by sending bazillions of page requests in a blindingly short burst—the Stormer had been using a service called CloudFlare. On Wednesday, CloudFlare CEO Matthew Prince banned the Stormer from using its protective services.
PayPal—which is effectively the Internet’s coin of the realm—banned about three dozen clients last week for committing thoughtcrimes. Among these was influential immigration-restrictionist site VDARE.com, which regularly hosts current and former Taki’s Mag contributors such as Steve Sailer, John Derbyshire, and Peter Brimelow. PayPal also blocked the National Policy Institute, chaired by former Taki’s Mag editor Richard Spencer, from using its service. According to Spencer—who was famously elbowed in the head back in January and maced in Charlottesville:
Doofuses in the conservative movement say it’s only censorship if the government does it. YouTube and Twitter and Facebook have more power than the government. If you can’t host a website or tweet, then you effectively don’t have a right to free speech….We should start conceiving of these thing as utilities and not in terms of private companies.
Southern Poverty Law Center spokes-Muppet Keegan Hankes defends PayPal’s actions, but not without a stern rap on their knuckles:
For the longest time, PayPal has essentially been the banking system for white nationalism…It’s a shame it took Charlottesville for them to take it seriously.
Hankes failed to note that many people feel that for the longest time, the international banking system has essentially been the banking system for Zionist nationalism, but hey, let’s not split hairs with wacko conspiracy theories here, OK? As everyone knows, PayPal was nothing more than a money-laundering scheme for Nazis.
On Wednesday, Apple officially declined payment processing for “hate groups” without bothering to define exactly what constitutes a “hate group” and who gets to decide.
Crowdsourcing colossus GoFundMe axed several active campaigns to raise legal-defense revenue for James Alex Fields, Jr., accused of murder for the Charlottesville road-rage incident.
Last week Facebook canceled several accounts of users it deemed to be “hateful,” and as everyone knows, only white males are able to hate. Pages that faced the axe included “Right Wing Death Squad” and “White Nationalists United.”
Other tech behemoths to dog-pile on “hate” last week included Kickstarter, Patreon, Snapchat, and MailChimp.
The wholesale banishment of anyone who dares to utter a word that runs counter to KultMarx dogma has necessitated the rise of an alternative Internet. Keep an eye out for Gab as an alternative to Twitter and for Hatreon and CounterFund as crowdsourcing alternatives. What began as the Alt-Right may end up as the Alt-Net.