September 19, 2016

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Source: Wikimedia Commons

There’s a huge brooding swath of Americans out there who know that the media despises their very existence. Feeling shut out and ignored, these people have plodded along with a sense of learned helplessness and inevitable doom. These people also realize that the media’s relentlessly desperate attacks on Trump also reflect a near-sadistic disdain for all the alleged rubes and yahoos and throwbacks and inbred hillbillies who support him. What an increasingly disconnected and clueless media fails to realize is that they’ve flaunted their disdain of these people to the point where the blowback will be withering.

Immigration and outsourcing are huge issues for Trump”€”the cornerstone of his campaign”€”but they’re not the only ones. It’s also about culture. It’s about the soul-bludgeoning insanity of egalitotalitarianism run amok, about the witch hunts and moral panics and PC tattletales. It’s about the blatant white-bashing and male-bashing and straight-bashing that masquerade as “progress” but merely serve to sow division. Too many people have been politely silent about this relentless PSYOP campaign of cultural demoralization to the point where they’re biting their lips bloody.

When I was recently asked by a writer from Hustler about the one thing I like about modern American culture, I said it’s the fact that Donald Trump stands a chance of becoming the next president.

A Trump victory would be a deathblow to the media and political establishment. That’s a good thing.

A Trump victory would also lead to massive collective depression and rampant suicidal ideation in all the people that I genuinely hate. It would undermine their very sense of reality and shatter their self-image beyond repair. That’s an even better thing.

I love the smell of leftist fear in the morning. Smells like…victory.


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