Giving credence to suspicions that rioting has engulfed the nation for four months now without officials lifting a pinkie finger to stop it because it’s actually part of a Deep State operation to rebuild the nation the way they want it rebuilt, the FBI recently took pains to announce that, no, ...
One thing I will grant American blacks: Despite the overwhelming historical evidence to the contrary, they still seem to believe that white people are their biggest threat and that if blacks were simply to separate from white people, they’d be capable of tremendous achievements. Case in point: ...
This is the year everything went wrong. The year that the dried, cracked, and frayed rubber band that seemed to be holding everything together finally snapped from all the strain. This is the year that boiled everyone’s brains. Something has been taken from all of us this year, and it ...
Jessica A. Krug calls herself “an unrepentant and unreformed child of the hood” and a self-taught “historian of politics, ideas, and cultural practices in Africa and the African Diaspora.” She is an associate professor at George Washington University, where she is described as “a ...
In all the endlessly tiresome back-and-forth screeching about race relations in this country, never once have I heard anyone beyond an anonymous tweeter here or there suggest the main problem is that we’ve been far too nice to black people. Despite the fact that black-on-white violence far ...
If you’re wondering what a typical night in downtown Portland, OR is like in the summer of 2020, this 32-minute video is a good primer. It was filmed just before 10:30 PM on Sunday, August 16. I watched the video twice so you don’t need to even endure it once. Timestamps are approximate and not ...
Since that whole “George Floyd” thing happened in late May, the end of this month will officially mark one full season of nationwide (and, even worldwide) rioting to protest the perceived racial injustices of this Noble Blackman’s unfortunate passing. We were led to believe right out of the ...
It’s a great time to be antisocial. It may be the greatest time in world history to be antisocial, with the possible exception of the Black Death. Unless it’s to sniff daisies, there’s absolutely no reason to wander outside your door these days. If you’re brave enough to stroll out into ...
There I was, sitting in Newswriting 101 class back in 1983 or so, long before they even did any of this on computers. The teacher—a brilliant female Phil Donahue lookalike whose insistence on journalistic accuracy bordered on the sadomasochistic—gave the students a cold set of facts and ...
For all the blathering we’ve heard over the past few months about how “systemic racism” is the nation’s biggest mortal threat, it’s become sparklingly clear that the real problem is systemic stupidity. The country is currently in the throes of fatal conniptions over idea that there’s ...