August 11, 2014
Source: Shutterstock
Minority disadvantage”whether it’s African Americans here or Afro-Latinos in Brazil and other South American countries”is almost always the cumulative result of explicit discrimination and exclusion from mainstream life.
If that’s the case, why is it that Mother Africa’s descendants, even when given severely unfair advantages in higher education, tend to drop out at higher rates, anyway?
One need not be a white supremacist to make these points. One need not mention white people at all. Asians are the group that shatters all the egalitarians’ dreams and curdles all their milk. Asians have to spot blacks 280 SAT points just to be “equal” with them. Why are Asians seemingly immune to this “explicit discrimination and exclusion from mainstream life” that seems to hobble blacks wherever they go? Why does all this alleged “white supremacy” fail to work its fatal gris-gris on Asians?
Innate inequality”rather than the kind allegedly caused by “racism” that requires an ever-expanding bureaucracy to try and make everything equal again”has been deemed an unthinkable thought precisely because it is so true. To acknowledge its truth would be to tug gently at the one loose thread that unravels their entire rainbow sweater. And that’s why they scream and bark and vow the destruction of anyone who dares to speak it. The world has become Harrison Bergeron in overdrive.
The ongoing”and, by design, never-ending”quest for equality provides job security for those who seek to raze the towers of inequality and make the whole world horizontal. They almost exclusively use phantasms such as “equality” and “social justice” as excuses to expand the government and pad their paychecks to help solve this pesky, impertinent, and seemingly insoluble riddle of inequality. Those who profit from this mission cling to the ludicrous notion of innate equality with a cognitive dissonance forged in iron. After all, it justifies their jobs. They”ve seen the Promised Land”in their heads, at least. They may not get there with you, but at least they’ll retire on a fat pension.
Communism’s disasters apparently weren’t enough of a lesson. The levelers claim they’re trying to uplift, but instead they’re causing a rancid downdraft. Downward they push, all the way to the lowest common denominator, trying to cram a dumb peg into a smart hole.