Remember all those great ideas George Soros had about crime and open borders? Guess what the spawn of Satan, whose every idea is designed to increase human misery, is pushing now? Legal weed. Switching out Americans for third worlders and releasing violent predators from prison gave him kicks for a while. But way too many Americans had not yet become McDonald's-fattened, glassy-eyed deadbeats who spend most of their time sprawled across a filthy couch ordering DoorDash pizza, playing video games and not looking for work. Legalizing marijuana is the last step, the silver bullet to the heart ...
Watching the vice-presidential debate last week, I realized that Gov. Tim Walz has a primitive's understanding of cause-and-effect. It pairs nicely with his primitive's understanding of ...
I have never been able to take the political opinions of movie stars terribly seriously. Whilst still a young English teacher, I once taught a future famous Hollywood actress, whom I shall not ...
Things aren't going well at all for the global warming crusaders. Despite hundreds of billions of tax dollars spent on green energy over the past decade, the world and America ...
The Biden administration has spent tens of billions of dollars on green energy, yet last year the U.S. and the world used record amounts of fossil fuels. That would seem to be ...
Is it Democrat leftist ideology that drives their incompetence, or is it something else? The cognitive dissonance many leftists display is off the charts when the policies and ...
Plagiarism is the highest form of flattery, and many authors ought to be flattered to be plagiarized, considering what rubbish they write. Such, at any rate, were my first ...
Democracy may not be the silliest idea concocted by man, but for anything larger than a small town, it is crackpot. It consists in the idea that a public, on average knowing ...
Did you eat a lot of chocolate for Easter last weekend? If so, did your choice of which particular color of candy egg to swallow say something deeply significant about you as a ...
As I write this, L.A.’s in the middle of a weeklong superstorm of biblical proportions. We’re being pounded harder than Lauren Boebert on a first date. Twelve inches in one ...
Third-worlders killed three Americans in Jordan over the weekend, and our political establishment is ready to start World War III. Which is more of a national security threat: ...
In 1986, The New York Times described evangelicals as "more easily led than other kinds of voters." Then in 1993, The Washington Post reported that evangelicals were "largely ...
Sen. John Kennedy is upset because Sen. Rand Paul wants to limit federal flood insurance. But Paul is right. In my new video, Paul says, "(It) shouldn't be for rich ...
Nothing could better illustrate or be emblematic of the earnest suicidal frivolity of the West than the decision of the first female chief executive of the British insurance and ...
Perhaps I am more sensitive to them than I once was, but it seems to me that hectoring and badgering semi-political public messages (mostly paid for at public expense, of course) ...
One of the most enduring lessons of American history is that the banning of liquor sales and consumption ("the noble experiment") was a colossal failure. Drinking didn't go down ...