April 10, 2017
Source: Bigstock
That would be the most optimistic scenario. But history and personal experience have trained me not to be optimistic.
Shortly after hearing of the attack, I told a friend, “This is something Hillary Clinton would do.” Sure enough, mere hours before missiles were launched, Madame Secretary called upon the US to bomb Syrian air fields.
Lily-livered Lindsay Graham and walking corpse John McCain praised Trump’s move. So did the endlessly punchable Bill Kristol. And Charles Schumer. And Nancy Pelosi. Prior to this, I”ve never heard any of them utter a positive word about Trump. They had screaming moral objections to the fact that he wanted to enforce America’s immigration laws and protect American workers in global trade deals”so deep-rooted was their moralistic repugnance that they depicted him as Satan incarnate. But firing 59 missiles into Ground Zero for World War III mere days after declaring that the USA no longer supported regime change in Syria? Why, the savage righteousness of it all nearly brought them to tears.”¨
Tellingly, the most vocal critics of the missile attack came from what were formerly Trump’s most ardent supporters. Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars tweeted, “I guess Trump wasn”t “Putin’s puppet” after all, he was just another deep state/Neo-Con puppet.” Ann Coulter said “Trump campaigned on not getting involved in Mideast. Said it always helps our enemies & creates more refugees. Then he saw a picture on TV.” The editors of VDARE tweeted, “Sixteen years after September 11, we’re Al-Qaeda’s air force.”
The missile strike came only hours after Trump removed ardent nationalist Steve Bannon from the National Security Council Principals Committee, allegedly at the strong urging of mega-Zionist and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner.
I”ve never doubted that Trump is far more a master strategist than he is a committed ideologue. After a couple months in office, it’s possible he took a long, sober look at the casino table and decided it”d be better to ditch the nationalists and appease the neocons if he had any hope of maintaining his power grip in Washington. It’s quite possible that all the religious rubes who supported Bush II, McCain, and Romney far outnumber the ragged coalition of economic and racial nationalists that formed his most rabid support base.
If that’s the case, I find it endlessly depressing that he has finally succumbed to what he decried less than a year ago as “the false song of globalism.” For now, I must struggle to find my place in an unfamiliar new world where Old Indians rent motel rooms from New Indians out in old New Mexico.