December 24, 2012
I wish our culture gave more respect to James Watson than to Honey Boo Boo.
I wish that a lot of people would stop letting it all hang out and start tucking it all back in.
I wish that people would realize that they can”t derive any power from the government and that they can only surrender power to it.
I wish that all the gun-control advocates wanted to control the government’s outrageous and unnecessary arsenal.
I wish that those who claim they’re fighting for “equality” didn”t act as if they”re fighting to win a war instead. I wish that “justice” wasn”t merely a dishonest way to say “revenge.”
I wish that “white privilege” came with more perks than the dubious honor of being constantly blamed for everything bad throughout world history.
I wish that the driving forces behind modern leftism were finally and irrevocably revealed for what they are”insanely sheltered and absurdly pampered elites who are working out their own creepy guilt complexes at the expense of the less fortunate, all while pretending they”re helping the little guys.
I wish that those who seek to control thought and language are exposed for the totalitarian control freaks that they are.
I wish that modern liberalism was forever unmasked as a delusional and dangerous moral panic, and that rather than a form of enlightenment, it may actually lead us into a semi-permanent New Dark Age.
I wish we could scrap our currently insane media and educational culture that makes everything racial yet reflexively smears anyone who happens to notice what they”re doing as a “racist.”
I wish writers would report on what they see instead of what they”re paid to see.
I wish reporters would stop lying and admit that we never came out of the recession.
I wish that whatever “solution” they come up with for this so-called “fiscal cliff,” it was actually something more substantial than a Band-Aid on a decapitated head.
I wish that you could honestly tell me that next Christmas will be better for everyone I love and far worse for everyone I hate.
I wish you could tell me things will get better and make me really believe it.
And I wish that all these wishes were more than wishful thinking.
Santa, I realize there is a small joy in pretending you exist, if only for one day a year. Anything more would be crazy.
Holidays are a vacation from sanity’s pitfalls. As I see it, things such as prayer and wishful thinking are forms of temporary insanity designed to stave off the sort of barking-at-the-moon permanent insanity that would beset weaker minds if they apprehended the world as it truly is. People can stay temporarily sane via wishful thinking, but they can also go insane trying to keep the illusion alive.
Wishful thinking is an impediment to true progress, which is grimly hilarious, seeing as how most so-called “progressives” are nothing more than wishful thinkers.
The more the world turns, the more I realize it’s upside-down. In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really rotten at heart. There will always be war on Earth and ill will toward men.
So I don”t expect any of my wishes to come true. Instead, I”m pretty sure I”ll get what I get every year”a big bag full of coal. So I”ll toss it on the Christmas fire and, in my own weird way, I”ll let it keep me warm for another year.