April 01, 2013
Ryan Rotela, a Mormon student in Poole’s class, says he objected to the exercise, at which point he says he was “punished,” although the school denies anyone was “disciplined,” although there was an alleged “Notice of Charges” lobbed at Rotela by a school administrator with the highly colorful name of Rozalia Williams. The school later apologized after Florida Governor Rick Scott got involved. They placed Professor Poole, who remains shtum about the whole event, on paid leave.
The school also released a statement containing the following passage:
As an institution of higher learning, we embrace open discourse in our classrooms, but with that comes a level of responsibility.
Right. I”ll believe they “embrace open discourse” when they sprout sufficient cojones to teach classes on human biodiversity, Holocaust revisionism, and democide. I”ll believe it when their social-sciences instructors are made to stomp on images of Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Karl Marx, Franz Boas, and Muhammad.
Until then, this tiresome flatu-fest seems like only another battle in the ongoing culture war rather than any honest quest for truth, which is what I, amid my endless daydreaming, thought higher education was supposed to be all about.
Despite the whole stomping-on-Jesus thing, modern education and its relentless assault on Western Civ is biblical in its own way. It reminds me specifically of this passage in Exodus:
But you shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves.
As far as I can tell, they”re stepping on Christ’s toes not to question the very notion of sanctity, but to smash ancient traditions and immediately replace them with shiny new taxpayer-funded altars to enshrine such illusory, unquantifiable myths as “justice” and “equality.”
I”m probably in the minority here”which, if I was the litigious type, would probably mean I”d be able to sue for discrimination”but I say we smash all the altars in modern education. Raze them all to the ground until all that’s left are facts. And while we”re at it, knock it the hell off with the creepy sort of cultural-guilt brainwashing that has students reenacting the Holocaust and American slavery. We should discourage students and teachers from getting offended every five minutes rather than helping them change their diapers every five minutes. Don”t teach them how to feel, teach them how to think. Then maybe this country won”t seem nearly so stupid.