July 06, 2015

George Takei

George Takei

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Everything is racial. Nothing is racist. There”€”we’re off to a good start.

Interestingly, Takei refers to himself as an “inconvertible Anglophile”€”or more broadly, a Britanophile, which includes my affection for Scotland and Wales as well. I love things British.”

Does this make him a fruit in whiteface?

During his infamous confirmation hearings, Clarence Thomas was bombarded with sexual-harassment allegations, all of which he denied. Implying that he faced vehement opposition because he was a conservative, he referred to his tribulation as “a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas.”

As hyperbolically cheap as it was to use the word “lynching,” the point remains that any black person who doesn’t think precisely as a black person is expected to think will face a barrage of hostility and slurs, much of it racial in nature.

Justice Clarence Thomas was not available for comment, presumably because he was jacking off to Long Dong Silver videos.


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