September 23, 2013
Their solution is preposterously simple: Flood the tech industry with whiny women and beta males who possess a strident, militant, all-consuming hatred for dudebros.
This rabid, unhinged bigotry toward dudebros is so intense in some corners that people encourage violence, more violence, and even yet more violence against them.
Hapless and uncomprehending dudebros are expected to passively sit with their hands folded in their laps as they’re scolded over their cisgendered privilege and the fact that they deny the “brovantages” that life under this white-male patriarchy has granted them. They are told to shut the fuck up and stop pretending to listen, that they are in effect the brownshirts of rape culture for whom no form of surgical castration could be too painful.
If there’s one personality trait that defines social activists, it is a bitterness that never dies. That’s why I try my best to avoid them. I’d rather have someone high-five me than wag a finger at me.
I spent an evening last December with about a half-dozen Midwestern dudebros at a small home in a snowy Chicago suburb. They were friends of a pal of mine in his mid-40s who took me to meet these jovial douchebags he’d known since Catholic high school. The host was a part-time amateur hockey player who looked exactly like Fred Flintstone with a missing tooth. A giant bulldog of a dudebro who was having marital problems cooked some hearty tender beef strips while reminiscing about doing acid in college. The assembled dudebros insufflated copious amounts of cocaine and crushed one empty beer can after the next. I know this sounds like I’m making it up, but they actually passed around a copy of Juggs magazine. At around 2AM they all decided we should go to some weird sorta-strip club where girls spin around on brass poles in lingerie without taking off a stitch of clothing and yet still try to hit you up for tips.
How much hate would I need to have in my heart not to love those guys? In six hours, I didn’t hear the term “white privilege” once, nor did I hear anyone complain that the strip club wasn’t diverse enough. Contrary to the social-justice crowd’s delusions, nobody said they wanted to rape anyone”not even once. So I can forgive the dudebros their fundamental and incurable tackiness because they were all friendly and not the least bit self-righteous. There are greater crimes than being cheesy”like, for example, being insufferable.
Dudebros, I’ve got your back in this war.