June 17, 2015
Source: Shutterstock
Why then has the most diverse region of Europe, the Balkans—with its Serb, Croat, Albanian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Turkic peoples, and Catholic, Orthodox and Islamic religions—had the bloodiest history?
Was it not racial and ethnic diversity that tore the Soviet Union into 15 nations and half a dozen subnations, and is tearing at it still in the Caucasus?
If diversity is a strength, why is Beijing, which worships strength, moving millions of Han Chinese into Tibet and western China to swamp the Tibetan and Uighur peoples, as they have done to the Mongolian and Manchu peoples? How did diversity work out for Rwanda and Burundi?
If diversity is a strength, then why are Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen falling apart? Why are Sunni and Shiite, Palestinian and Israeli fighting? Why are Scots, Basques, Catalans, Venetians and Flemish agitating for secession and independence?
Has the addition of tens of millions of Asian and African Muslims strengthened the Old Continent that ruled the world? Or do they imperil its security and survival as the cradle and heartland of the West?
As racial, ethic and religious hatreds pull people apart and create terrorists all over our disintegrating world, why would we make ourselves ever more diverse?
Writes Coulter, “Roe v. Wade can be overturned. Obamacare can be repealed. Amnesty is forever.”
Anyone concerned for the future of this country as one nation and one people should find a candidate who will commit to secure the border, enforce immigration laws against businesses that hire illegal immigrants, and pledge no amnesty for the duration of their presidency.