November 04, 2013

Source: Shutterstock

Almost everywhere in American media, education, and even the military these days, the word “€œextremist”€ is increasingly applied to those who are unashamedly white, male, and Christian. What was once considered an average American has now become an extremist. Oh, how the whiteys have fallen!

The Tea Party, who cleave with scriptural devotion to what was once an emblem of the American status quo known as the US Constitution, are increasingly referred to as anti-American extremists. So are Christians. So are white Southern males. Hot dogs, baseball, and mom’s apple pie can”€™t be far behind. Everything that was once deemed typically American is now being redefined as a threat to America’s very existence.

The insatiably power-hungry culture-burrowing boll weevils at the deceptively named Southern Poverty Law Center, whose every action and utterance reeks of extremist behavior, have become so entrenched within the American political status quo that they now work with the US Department of Homeland Security to define extremism. Along with the ADL, the SPLC enables the FBI to indoctrinate the US Armed Forces about exactly what constitutes extremism. It almost always has something to do with being pro-white, anti-Semitic, or anti-government. On its “€œHate and Extremism”€ Web page, the SPLC boasts of “€œcrushing”€ four groups”€””€œthe White Aryan Resistance, the United Klans of America, the White Patriot Party militia and the Aryan Nations.”€ So much for diversity among extremists.

The SPLC’s definition of “€œextremism”€ was thought to have inspired a recent training session wherein US troops were taught that the American Family Association is an “€œextremist hate group.”€ The SPLC was also thought to have inspired a 600-plus-page Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute document that endlessly railed against “€œwhite privilege”€ and the unfair advantages presumably held by “€œhealthy, white, heterosexual, Christian”€ men.

It would seem to be the “€œChristian”€ part that would let most of the healthy, white-skinned, heterosexual men at the SPLC off the hook. As luck would have it, much of the SPLC’s leadership, like that of the tireless extremism-fighters at the ADL, consists of members of an extremely small and extremely powerful minority. But it would be extreme to note such a fact; terroristic, even.

But for such groups to now claim the right to define “€œextremism”€ is a tacit admission that they are not fighting the “€œmainstream”€ or the “€œpower.”€ They define the mainstream and hold the power. You can tell who’s in power by who gets to define extremism. And it isn”€™t the Nazis or the white males anymore. This kicks the legs out from beneath the smug leftist pretense that they represent the little people and the outsiders. Instead, they are drunk to the point of blood poisoning on their own newfound power.

In many meaningful ways, I oppose extremism. I hate the extremely stupid. The extremely obnoxious. The extremely smelly. The extremely uninformed.

But in an increasingly collectivized society, swimming against the tide increasingly becomes an act of extremism. If I”€™m an extremist merely for refusing to submit to a right bloody flogging due to my skin color and genitals, count me extreme. It seems perfectly normal”€”harmless, even”€”not to engage in self-hatred. Then again, all extremists think they”€™re normal, don”€™t they?


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