May 08, 2017

William Shatner

William Shatner

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Christina Hoff Sommers was the first person to my knowledge who acted as a cartographer to map out the forked road that feminism eventually took between pushing for equal rights and pushing men off of cliffs. She describes an ideological schism between “€œequity feminism”€ (the “€œequal rights”€ kind) and “€œgender feminism”€ (the “€œkill all men”€ kind). She says that gender feminism started in the 1960s and was rooted in Marxism, which has a psychotic and insatiable need to make EVERYTHING political. If one were temporarily distracted by a fly buzzing overhead, one could have blinked before “€œwomen should receive equal pay”€ gave way to woolly mammoths such as Andrea Dworkin declaring unequivocally that all intercourse is rape.

And in the same manner that many white people who initially signed on to the whole “€œdon”€™t be a racist”€ program because it seemed fair were eventually alienated by the escalating rhetoric of “€œjustice won”€™t be achieved until the last evil melanoma-prone ice devil baby is smashed dead against a rock,”€ many men”€”and even women”€”who had no problem with ideas such as equal pay and female suffrage started to get grossly turned off by rhetoric and policies that viewed being born male as an original sin that demanded eternal punishment.

Even though black women live longer than white men in the USA…and even though women control more disposable wealth than men do…and even though women are snagging most of the college degrees these days…and even though the law and public sympathy heavily lean toward women in any dispute between the sexes…and even though the media portray men as either bumbling incompetents or bloodthirsty rape-monsters…and even though men are far more likely to commit suicide, die on the job, or be homeless than women…we”€™re still lectured by these bitter fat blobs and their testosterone-free male enablers that misandry isn”€™t real because men still benefit from certain mysterious “€œsystemic”€ and “€œinstitutional”€ advantages that none of these assholes seem able to enumerate even when calmly asked to do so.

It’s a funny sort of “€œpatriarchy”€ we inhabit.

“€¨To allege that women are capable of malice and violence and deception is only to allege that they”€™re human. To expect anything less of them would be dehumanizing and patronizing”€”which, ironically, shares a root word with “€œpatriarchy.”€ When feminism ditched the “€œequity”€ rhetoric in favor of a menses-splattered pagan goddess religion that depicts men as irredeemable worker drones and women as innocent angels, men who weren”€™t entirely asleep or pussy-whipped realized that the rules had changed and that they were under attack. But even to notice that a lot of women openly exult in hating men gets you labeled a “€œwoman-hater.”€

Misandry is real, and those who seek to deny or justify it deserve a stern paddling. And even if you acknowledge that it’s real, don”€™t try to make excuses for it using some postmodern gobbledygook, because then you become a misandry apologist”€”a misandropologist. Just admit that women can be every bit as mean, nasty, horrid, foul, vile, shitty, and hateful as men. It’s part of the human condition.

Naïve as it may be, I envision an enlightened future where there is no longer any misogyny or misandry”€”only a beautiful, sweet, shared sense of misanthropy.


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