When one lives in a madhouse, it isn’t prudent to speak with too much sense. When one lives in a banking house, it isn’t practical to make any sense at all. In that vein I proffer the Must-Bust-Boom Theory of extricating America from its moribund economy. As of 2011 only 8% of the American ...
The day John Kennedy was killed, few thought it was anything other than exactly what it seemed to be. Most believed that the crime was committed by the party named as the perpetrator. A weapon was used that, although having lethal properties, was mainly regarded as a method of recreation. One of ...
Slapstick is, at best, only loosely defined as comedy. If an unsupervised toddler in hysterics can do something to evoke laughter, more effort should be expected of a grown man. Therefore, I have never cared for the spastic antics of Jerry Lewis. On a personal level Jerry has always cast a dim ...
On July 18, 2011, Sean Hoare was found mysteriously deceased by London police. This is notable for two reasons. The first reason is that Hoare was a primary whistle-blower in the unfolding crisis at News Corporation. The scandal has implicated multitudes in illegal and immoral electronic ...
Amid new images of starving Africans we are told the United Nations is using a word it rarely utters—famine. It is the next supposedly global crisis, though no one ever explains how a succinctly regional matter can also be a global one. UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Baroness ...
Premiering in a few months is a film entitled Dolphin Tale. It is the story of the only known instance of this animal having lost its entire tailfin and surviving to “beat the odds.” A small boy is involved, two parents are brought together through adversity, and a gaggle of the assorted ...
Tomorrow marks the closing of perhaps the most magnificent period of human achievement in all of Earth’s lengthy span. On Friday, America’s final space shuttle shall rocket into orbit for the last time. After returning home, the four shuttles which once conquered the heavens will battle rust as ...
With all of the news of riots and disturbances in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen it is a facile thing to overlook another global hotspot. (Not Chicago, though interesting things are happening there as well.) For while we heard endlessly, until certain unseemly occurrences, about Tahrir ...
It says a great deal about a nation when its most telling artistic achievements are cartoons. Yet this is precisely the situation in modern American culture. With such fare as The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, and the now-canceled King of the Hill and Futurama providing some of the most witty ...
Growing older is an odd experience made stranger by knowing things which should be familiar to everyone but that hardly anyone knows. This is brought to mind when the topic of Marilyn Monroe comes to the fore. It would have been her 85th birthday last week, and in all the time since her death she ...