Big Shots

Modern school shootings are an exceptionally abhorrent phenomenon that we got along just fine without for the first couple of centuries of U.S. history. So, it’s wholly reasonable to want them gone. It’s not like America was suffering from any lack of the beneficial side effects of school shootings before the man with the brain tumor climbed the U. of Texas clock tower in 1966 and the “I Don’t Like Mondays” girl opened fire at the San Diego elementary school in 1979. School shootings and other heavily publicized mass killings are an intensely grotesque problem, often engineered by ...

Black Lies Matter Too

Like all lies uncorrected, the #BlackLivesMatter movement has become a religion with evangelists, disciples, heretics, opportunists, and enforcers. First, the media spread the ...

Brandenburg Gate, Berlin


There seems to be growing anti-German feeling in France, at least if what I read is anything to go by (which it might not be, of course). For example, a book with the title ...

Into the Remainder Bins

In journalism, "€œtrend pieces"€ are like the weather: Everyone complains about them "€“ and there"€™ll be a new one around any minute. (One probably written by some ...

Gary Glitter

How “€œGary”€ Lost Its Glitter

Muggeridge's Law, indeed. The Punch editor (and all around crusty old fart) observed late-ish in the 20th century that modern life's absurdities rendered the satirist's role ...

The Little Bomb That Couldn”€™t

BREAKING NEWS!!!"€”A bomb may...or may not...have gone off near a Colorado Springs office of the NAACP last week, and it may...or may not...have been a hate crime. I"€™ll ...


Not three years ago, in these very virtual pages, I mourned the extinction of the loony-bin luminary. Bedlam and Bellevue were once bursting with faux Napoleons and ersatz ...

For Whom the Cat Calls

A video that shows a Jewish woman being sexually harassed while walking on New York City streets has engendered tremendous outrage"€”not so much for the fact that she was ...

Indulging in Destruction

I slept through the only riot I was ever sent to cover as a reporter. Having traveled a long way I was very tired, and by the time I woke the riot was almost over. Still, I was ...

Women Against Feminism: Are These Bitches Crazy?

Every time I hear that we live under a "€œpatriarchy,"€ I close my eyes, click my heels, snap my fingers, and wish that it were true. But when I open my eyes, it's obvious ...

Harry and Bobby

Half Off Everything!

Roughly half of the emails I get from my blog readers ask, "€œWhere do you get this stuff?"€ while the other half contain "€œthis stuff"€: links to crazy stories and ...

Michelle Obama

World War Webcam

Have you Tweeted, Facebooked, YouTubed, Instagrammed, or LinkedIn (LOL) your hatred of Boko Haram yet? If not, why not? What is wrong with you? Scowling through social media at ...

Prank-Calling the Police State

This all happened last week: "€¢ In South Dakota, someone claiming to be a 16-year-old boy called the county sheriff’s office and said he’d rigged his house with ...

Malcolm McDowell

The Science of Cool

About 30 years ago, I set out to write an essay"€”that sounds so pretentious, sorry"€”but never got past the title: "€œ"€˜Cool"€™ Is Not a Christian ...

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