On August 2, 2014, the Obama Administration allowed the first of two American health care workers who had contracted the Ebola virus back into the U.S. There is no logical reason to have done this; in fact its illogic is so great as regards possible spread of the epidemic that this act borders on ...
It was the Sun King, Louis XIV, who uttered the immortal edict of classical despotism: "L"Ãtat, c"est moi!" There is some debate amongst historians as to whether Louis ever uttered these precise words"though it's rather pointless, especially since his declaration that ...
In the early 1980s I became familiar with a cartoonist whom I considered to be one of the cleverest men I had read in a very long time. I collected as many of his pieces as possible. When I showed a friend his work, however, she diffidently sniffed, "This is nonsensical;" a common response ...
When lawmen break the law, there is no law. During a fortnight when the American establishment wasn"t handing out machine guns to heavily medicated dissociative personalities with self-reported head wounds or rounding up someone else's cattle, the government was spending its unlimited ...
If there is one thing Americans love even more than a revolution, it is a mystery. Hence, the news from from Ukraine this past week got shoved aside in favor of the baffling case of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Unfortunately, as soon as the flight disappeared, the harebrains arrived. While a ...
As the Academy prepares to celebrate some of the most historically inaccurate dramatizations in recent memory, let us turn from a year of “Based on a True Story” films to a review of 2013’s more substantive documentaries. Unlike Brad Pitt, these artists need the publicity, as none ...
This St. Valentine's Day it is estimated that around $17 billion dollars will be spent on greeting cards, overpriced flowers, and dinners served by sanctimonious waiters. In more than a few cases these funds would be better gambled away at a casino; one would certainly have better odds of hitting ...
One of modern life's great canards is that women were historically shut out of the workplace. Yet from Hollywood to London, there have long been prominent ladies in the office if they wanted to be there. Many did not, choosing to raise families when sole income made that choice possible. Most of ...
When I first heard that the newest mayor of New York's first action in office was to denude the city of horse-drawn carriages, I thought it was probably a joke. I figured some card over at Fox News or The Wall Street Journal had taken an obscure quote out of context in order to start His Honor out ...
There is often no difference between entertainment and politics. Consider recent statements by Phil Robertson, television star of the program Duck Dynasty, which airs on the A&E (formerly Arts & Entertainment) Network. During an interview with GQ (formerly Gentlemen’s Quarterly), ...