April 23, 2013
There is a need for security and response and being proactive and making sure that we have information, but we also need to make sure that as we go forward we don’t emphasize a culture of fear and mistrust, because that ends up marginalizing even further people who are already, you know, feeling like they are enemies of society rather than people who have hope for the future and faith that we can work together and succeed.
So here’s why I’m writing you, Justin:
I feel “completely excluded” in the multilingual, multicultural, “peacekeeping” and “Participaction” Canada your father made.
I was born into a “culture of fear and mistrust” in which (certain) ethnic groups are welcomed into the country in hundreds of thousands and are courted for votes”while their bigoted outbursts and blatant violations of the law are mostly ignored.
As a lowly white “old stock” Canadian, however”one who doesn’t have a famous last name or people throwing money at me just for leaving the house“I’m an “enemy of society.”
If I post an anti-immigrant “poem” on a website, I can face years of litigation.
Some of my opinions were still considered mainstream just a few years ago. They are now illegal. I didn’t even get to vote on that.
The police will strip-search me if my child draws a picture of a gun, but Indians can hold residential neighborhoods hostage for years with impunity.
The computer I’m writing this on doesn’t even belong to me, at least according to that Charter your father cooked up with his pals. They left out anything about “property rights” and “due process” on purpose.
Like true freedom of speech, I guess they figured such niceties were “American concepts” our powerful elites don’t have to “value.”
As you can see, I have a whole lot of “tensions.”
I’m “marginalized.”
And since it’s obvious that”despite or even because of your many irrefutable flaws”you’re going to be Prime Minister one day, I don’t have a lot of “hope for the future.”
My question to you is this, Justin:
What do I get to blow up?
Image of Canadian flag courtesy of Shutterstock