September 03, 2012
If you favor gun control, do you also favor disarming the American military and all law-enforcement agents? If not, why should we trust you?
If we must have government-sponsored healthcare, would you endorse a system that penalizes lapses of personal responsibility such as people who eat like pigs or who smoke and drink too much? If not, explain why those who eat well and exercise regularly should be forced to carry part of the burden for those who don”t.
Regarding the social diversity that we”re constantly told enriches us, can you point to a multicultural and multilingual nation in world history that survived and prospered rather than imploded amid bloody ethnic conflict? How do you propose to unify a country while forcing diversity upon it? Can you point to any peer-reviewed scientific studies that demonstrate physical and cognitive equality among groups of different continental origins? If you refuse to abolish the notion of “hate crimes” altogether, would you agree to apply standards equally, despite the respective races, genders, and sexual orientations of the perpetrators and victims?
Mr. Obama, do you feel as if the fact that your own aunt and uncle have brazenly flouted immigration laws is a slap in the face of everyone who’s attempted to legally gain citizenship? Why have both parties refused to enforce federal immigration laws? Why do you pretend to care about America’s legal working and middle classes while you penalize them with taxes to support millions of “undocumented workers” who drain social services, suppress wages, and often display an open hostility toward ever assimilating to American culture?
This nation’s public schools were once the best in the world and are now the world’s laughingstock. If we must have public education, when are you going to drop the feel-goody social justice Cultural Marxist kiddie brainwashing bullshit and focus on verbal, math, and logical skills?
Now for the economy.
How do you justify the fact that the American dollar is now worth only four percent of what it was in 1913? Do you honestly feel that further Quantitative Easing will benefit poor and middle-class Americans? Would you support a thorough audit of the Federal Reserve? What about a repeal of the Federal Reserve Act? Why do you refer to Social Security as an “entitlement” if someone has paid into it their whole life? Why should I trust you more with my money than I trust myself? Why can”t I receive an instant refund of every penny I”ve already paid into Social Security?
The public debt is currently over $16 trillion, which is roughly triple what it was only a dozen years ago. How do you propose to keep this under control without massive austerity programs or enforcing a new totalitarian police state? If you honestly care about American families and workers, why wouldn”t you enact huge tariffs on imports and repeal NAFTA?
Now I”d like to address the role of government itself.
How can you possibly justify the National Defense Authorization Act, which permits the infinite detention of American citizens without trial? Why are you afraid to reveal”down to the penny”how you spend the tens of billions you soak from us yearly for the CIA, FBI, NSA, and sundry undercover “black budget” operations? With decades of evidence that support the notion that the federal government routinely lies to its citizens, why should we trust you about drone surveillance? Why should we trust you about anything?
Finally I”d like to ask you about creeping globalization and the gradual erosion of national sovereignty. Would you support an immediate withdrawal from the United Nations? Would you specifically resist the UN’s efforts to impose global taxes of any kind? If not, why should we remove your handcuffs and untie you from your chairs?