Under the Influence

My taste in films is strange, at least in the statistical sense. I don’t like romance, I don’t like happy endings (they depress me), and I don’t like gratuitous or ...

The Meek Have Inherited the Earth

There is nothing a strong government likes more than a weak people; and therefore, whether consciously or not, everything is done to render the people ever feebler. Not ...

No News Is Bad News

The Russian writer V.G. Korolenko (a kind of sub-Chekhov) once wrote that Man is made for happiness as a bird for flight: To which I can only say that this has not been my ...

Everyone’s an Expert

We live in an age of serial expertise. First we were experts in climate change, whether or not we believed it was taking place, and consequently in energy policy. Then, with ...

John Wayne vs. Cat Ladies (Spoiler: Wayne Loses)

I don’t care for kids; that’s why I never had any. That said, in my early 30s I did have one brief episode of dealing with children. I dated a Dominican woman who had an ...

Well, You Finally Got Tired of Losing

Last week was a good one, so it’s kind of dickish to make fun, but it’s really amusing how quickly some of you went from, in 2016, “We’re gonna get tired of winning,” to ...

First Slowly, Then Quickly

“No worst, there is none,” wrote the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, about human states of mind. If he were alive today, he might write, “No most absurd, there is none,” about ...

Responsibility Without Power

According to a recent survey, more than half of child and adolescent psychiatrists in Britain report having been consulted by young patients distressed about climate change and ...

The Talibanization of Thought

“Sometimes, doctor,” a patient of mine once said to me, “I feel like the little boy with his finger in the dyke, crying wolf.” That is a pretty good summary of how I feel ...

The Intersectional Elephant

Last week I revisited a 2019 column of mine titled “Can the Right Fight Without Saying White?” The gist of that piece was that the right is trying to fight antiwhite racism ...

Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles

Claims to Fame

I have tried all my life to understand my fellow humans but have failed. If I understood them better, perhaps I would share more of their interests. Take reality TV, for example. ...

Does Our Diversity Portend Disintegration?

After nine people were shot to death by a public transit worker, who then killed himself in San Jose, the latest mass murder in America, California Governor Gavin Newsom spoke for ...

The School of Athens by Raphael

Cultural Whiteness

White nationalism is characterized as a vice by leading commentators. No one interested in retaining the respect of mainstream outlets defends the logic of white identity ...

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Snake Oil

President Trump was ill with COVID-19; President Trump was treated with certain new and expensive drugs; therefore President Trump was cured by his treatment with those new and ...

The Faithless Paranoia That Drives Woke and Cancel Culture

L’amor che move le stelle The great Italian poet Dante Alighieri believed the universe to be moved by Love. There are those who do not believe this, though. After the fall of ...

Adolf Hitler

The Art of Propaganda

How did Germany, arguably the most cultured and civilized nation in Europe, degenerate so quickly? The answer is propaganda. Man is a herd animal, and propaganda moves the ...

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