White Pride Is Uncool

Following up on Jared Taylor's article, the Ricci reverse discrimination lawsuit now before the Supreme Court is not one of those "€œhard cases"€ about which law students are ...

How the Left Killed the Hollywood Drama

Escape has been the theme for U.S. moviegoers in recent months, but audiences aren"€™t avoiding attending good, serious films; Hollywood is avoiding making them. The newly ...

A Nation of Helpless Idiots

Don’t Suspect a Friend, Report Him! As most of us know, Kansas City, Missouri is a haven for international and domestic terrorists. Pakistan and Afghanistan are small ...

Stacy McCain is a Neoconfederate Lesbian!

...and some other rumors too good to deny.  “Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible. . . Such tactics will win every time.” ~Lt. Gen. ...

911 Truths

If 9/11 "€œTruthers"€ are wacky for believing the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by the U.S. government, what about the conspiracy theorists who tried to convince Americans ...

Little Miss Zionist Gossip Queen

I never meant for this half-arsed attempt at a blog to be a chronicle of my private life; the world really can do without another navel-gazing self-flagellating self-important ...

Plight of the Emos

I am not really "€œwith it."€ My taste in clothes"€”formal or otherwise"€”runs the gamut from 1920 to 1960, as does my taste in cocktails, bars, and restaurants. ...

Life as a Trained Monkey

I received a very interesting email from a reader. He said he is helping a friend’s daughter write a college essay on xxxx speech, and “after much mutual painful time ...

First-Night Privileges

. . . That's when she told me a story About free milk and a cow. She said, "€˜No hug-ee, no kiss-ee, Until I get a wedding vow."€™ "€”"€œKeep Your Hands to ...

Prince Harry’s Hate Crime

I guess I"€™m supposed to be shocked and dismayed by the clips, released this weekend, of Prince Harry using some rather mild racial language and generally acting like a buffoon ...

Advertising is Rape

Just in case you hadn"€™t noticed, ladies, you are being oppressed, exploited, abused, beaten, enslaved, murdered and raped. This evil is being perpetrated by the patriarchy, ...

Consumer Kids and Their Plastic Lives

I went to Bath & Body Works at the mall one morning just before the Christmas shopping season. There I was, an adult with a good job and a career, and I was scrounging for ...

Of Mistresses and Misplaced Outrage

She calls herself "€œMelissa Beech,"€ and if we take her thumbnail biography at face value, she's a college senior, living in Philadelphia"€”and living in lavish style, ...

The Death of AIDS

This weekend I attended an engrossing production of The Seagull on Broadway"€”and I was lucky enough to be accompanied by the intelligent and beautiful great granddaughter of ...

Men Are Bottle Rockets; Women are Cuckoo Clocks

I’m working on too many speculative projects—and putting off the one that I’m sure would sell the best. Since I fear I’ll never get around to writing the ...

A Quantum of Relevance

The classic interpretation of Ian Fleming's James Bond character is that he stands as a kind of fantasy of Britishness the British people, and especially the elite, could indulge ...

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