Following up on Jared Taylor's article, the Ricci reverse discrimination lawsuit now before the Supreme Court is not one of those "hard cases" about which law students are ...
Escape has been the theme for U.S. moviegoers in recent months, but audiences aren"t avoiding attending good, serious films; Hollywood is avoiding making them. The newly ...
Don’t Suspect a Friend, Report Him! As most of us know, Kansas City, Missouri is a haven for international and domestic terrorists. Pakistan and Afghanistan are small ...
...and some other rumors too good to deny. “Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible. . . Such tactics will win every time.” ~Lt. Gen. ...
If 9/11 "Truthers" are wacky for believing the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by the U.S. government, what about the conspiracy theorists who tried to convince Americans ...
I never meant for this half-arsed attempt at a blog to be a chronicle of my private life; the world really can do without another navel-gazing self-flagellating self-important ...
I am not really "with it." My taste in clothes"formal or otherwise"runs the gamut from 1920 to 1960, as does my taste in cocktails, bars, and restaurants. ...
I received a very interesting email from a reader. He said he is helping a friend’s daughter write a college essay on xxxx speech, and “after much mutual painful time ...
. . . That's when she told me a story About free milk and a cow. She said, "No hug-ee, no kiss-ee, Until I get a wedding vow." ""Keep Your Hands to ...
I guess I"m supposed to be shocked and dismayed by the clips, released this weekend, of Prince Harry using some rather mild racial language and generally acting like a buffoon ...
Just in case you hadn"t noticed, ladies, you are being oppressed, exploited, abused, beaten, enslaved, murdered and raped. This evil is being perpetrated by the patriarchy, ...
I went to Bath & Body Works at the mall one morning just before the Christmas shopping season. There I was, an adult with a good job and a career, and I was scrounging for ...
She calls herself "Melissa Beech," and if we take her thumbnail biography at face value, she's a college senior, living in Philadelphia"and living in lavish style, ...
This weekend I attended an engrossing production of The Seagull on Broadway"and I was lucky enough to be accompanied by the intelligent and beautiful great granddaughter of ...
I’m working on too many speculative projects—and putting off the one that I’m sure would sell the best. Since I fear I’ll never get around to writing the ...
The classic interpretation of Ian Fleming's James Bond character is that he stands as a kind of fantasy of Britishness the British people, and especially the elite, could indulge ...