Spies Like Us

Watching Steven Soderbergh's comedy The Informant! (with Matt Damon as that guy back in the 1990s who squealed to the feds about how he fixed the price of lysine for Archer ...

Songs of Our Soil

Having listened to country music on and (mostly) off since Johnny Cash's "€œA Boy Named Sue"€ four decades ago, I checked in on Billboard's Top 30 Country chart to see if ...

Idiot Savant

Extract is the third live-action film written and directed by Mike Judge, creator of the hit animated TV series Beavis and Butt-head and King of the Hill (which will broadcast its ...

The Myth of Technological Progress

Many of you will still be alive in 50 years. It’s interesting to think about what life will be like in 50 years technologically and otherwise. Predictions are risky, ...

Holocaust Revisionism

I should first admit that it took quite a lot for me to actually go see Inglourious Basterds, Quentin Tarantino's latest about a special Army unit of Jewish avengers, led by a ...

Kill Adolf

While watching Inglourious Basterds, I had time on my hands to ponder once again whether Quentin Tarantino's variegated gifts and inclinations would have made him even more suited ...

Alien Nation

Peter Jackson and Neill Blomkamp’s Malthusian fable of post-Apartheid Johannesburg. District 9, a violent science fiction movie set in a Johannesburg slum inhabited by 1.8 ...

The Most Important Television Show You”€™d Never Watch

I was trying to watch with my wife the DVD of He's Just Not That Into You, which is to romantic comedies what Watchmen is to superhero flicks: a confusing bundle of plotlines ...

Harry Potter’s Story of Race and Inheritance

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince earned a record $394 million worldwide in its opening week, an extraordinary amount for a film based on the sixth (and penultimate) ...

The Most Outrageous Austrian Since Hitler!

Of my homosexual friends and acquaintances, none of them behave like uber-gay Bruno. That said, I have met or seen the occasional homosexual man who does behave in the same ...

Babes in Pornland

What do washed-up celebrity bimbos Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan have in common? Both got their show-biz breaks in the Disney empire, Britney as a pre-teen member of the New ...

Michael Jackson’s Baby

Jacko was the King of Celebrity Eugenics. The late Michael Jackson was a strange individual, but his various obsessions, such as weight loss, whitening his skin, and expensively ...

Generation Gap

How Multiculturalism Killed the Counter Culture When I was eleven in 1970, Alvin Toffler published a book entitled Future Shock, which prophesied ever faster cultural change. In ...

Larry David: Alice in Blunderland

With Larry David back in the news this week for starring in (perhaps unsurprisingly) the latest Woody Allen movie, Whatever Works, it's worth reviewing David's misunderstood ...

Is Interracial Marriage Legal?

The story of one man’s contribution to multicuturalism. Like all good immigrants, I came to this country determined to assimilate as quickly as possible. This was my second ...

White Like Us

For a webzine attempting to carve out an "€œAlternative Right,"€ and one dedicated to a fearless assault on PC in all its varieties, the topics of "€œrace"€ and ...

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