Boy, I sure am glad I was never the 25-year-old repository for the hopes and dreams of an entire region of the country. What’s it like to be LeBron James? I have no idea. ...
When Harvard President Larry Summers dared to imply men are better at math and science than women, his students almost fainted, literally. Nancy Hopkins, a biology student at the ...
In synopsis, The Lost Books of the Odyssey, a lapidary first work of fiction by Silicon Valley computer scientist Zachary Mason, sounds like an overly clever postmodern literary ...
By now, we all know the CW-like drama of Coco, The Chin, and The Peacock. It's hard to think of a time when late night comedy has attracted more attention, and Conan O"Brien, ...
With James Cameron's Avatar shouldering aside George Lucas's original Star Wars and Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight for second place on the all time movie box office rankings ...
Until the Underpants Bomber tried to blow up Flight 253 over Detroit, the frontrunner for the Best Picture Oscar was widely assumed to be Up in the Air. Indeed, before the ...
After The Dark Knight failed to earn a Best Picture Oscar nomination, the Academy expanded the number of nominees for its top honor from five to ten. With luck, these improved ...
Last Sunday evening, while I was watching the final minutes of the now famous Indianapolis Colts - New England Patriots football game, I experienced a moment of middle-aged ...
Alright, you win. Reading all these blogs, I can"t avoid the subject of fist-pumping Heavy Metal any longer. A metaller since the tender age of 13 (coincidence?), I"ve ...
Can I milk another column out of Mad Men? Why not? Matthew Weiner's show about Madison Avenue in the early 1960s is so meticulously detailed that it's worth using it as a spur ...
Mad Men, the upscale drama about an early 1960s Madison Avenue advertising agency, is a sort of Brideshead Revisited for heterosexual American grown-ups. For Baby Boomers, it's ...
The cable period drama Mad Men attempts to answer the question: What would have Cary Grant's stylish advertising executive in Hitchcock's 1959 barnburner North by Northwest gotten ...
Everybody complains about how dumbed-down movies have gotten. Here, for example, are representative quotes from A.O. Scott of the New York Times in "Spoon-Fed Cinema" ...
I was once asked to imagine what the world would look like today had North American settlers snubbed the African slave traders in the 18th and 19th centuries. We can let our ...
A Genealogy of Morals One of my fundamental beliefs about culture and humanity is that morals and folkways are subject to natural selection. You need not believe in ...
Having the moniker “Southern Avenger” is like being named “Malcolm X.” Both have racial connotations and people assume the best or worst depending on their ...