Park Hill Estate, Sheffield, England

Some to Misery Are Born

Every night and every morn Some to misery are born, Every morn and every night Some are born to sweet delight. The first couplet of Blake's verse seems to me a good deal more ...

Miley Cyrus

It’s Not Miley’s Problem, It’s Ours

If you find yourself asking, “Who cares?” when pop culture is discussed, the answer is, “Everyone but you.” As Nick Gillespie once said to me, ...

This One’s for the Kids

Whenever a colleague asks for voting advice, I have one stock answer"€”vote for whoever doesn’t have commercials with children. Whichever candidate trots out the tykes is ...

Crazy Little Thing Called Hate

Eighteen states have no “hate crimes” legislation. (In diversity parlance, these states are “Hate Crimes Non-Inclusive.”) Another two dodge the bullet by ...

From Purple Hearts to Pink Badges

Am I alone in suspecting that most fallacious arguments"€”those tedious rules of the rhetorical road"€”were cooked up by stuck-up mediocrities to keep their betters from ...

The Spooks of Hazzard

Only in America can white people organize an event intended to mock poor Southern whites, have black people crying that it's racist against blacks, and then have white people ...

There’s a Pill for That

Aldous Huxley's 1932 dystopian novel Brave New World depicts an ideal pleasure drug, a hangover-free tranquilizer called soma that the totalitarian government freely distributed ...

Feeding Shirts to the Homeless

Only last week, I railed against the masses’ naïve and patronizing compulsion to embrace dubious lower-class “heroes” such as Cleveland’s Charles ...

George Jones

The Tolerance That Is Only Skin Deep

Country singer George Jones, who to my ears had the greatest voice ever recorded, died on Friday. A genius of phrasing and nuance, Jones had a stratospheric voice that captured ...

Christmas in an Anti-Christian Age

For two millennia, the birth of Christ has been seen as the greatest event in world history. The moment Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem, God became man, and eternal ...

Thomas Jefferson

Miscegenation at Monticello?

Every so often some clown decides to call Thomas Jefferson a "€œracist,"€ and other clowns let him publish the charge. The most recent clown is Paul Finkelman, a professor at ...

Madonna Ciccone

A Mirror Called Madonna

While the Northeast begins pulling itself out of the disaster that was hurricane Sandy, America now faces the horror of the presidential election. But another force of nature ...

The Tenacity of Mendacity

False allegations about the propaganda technique known as the "€œBig Lie"€ have been repeated ad nauseam to the point where, with eye-gouging irony, it has all congealed into ...

What is a Racist?

It has to be evident to all thinking people by now that racism is the new witchcraft. Once you"€™re branded with the Scarlet "€œR,"€ some people do not regard it as immoral ...

Obama’s America—and Ours

“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” Mitt Romney fell on this Obama quote like an NFL lineman on an end zone ...

Bill Murray

The Gen Y Mascot

If your finger's on the pulse of the Internet, you know that Bill Murray is adored by everyone born after 1976. We love him not just for his carefree, arrogant movie persona but ...

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