This month marks 50 years since Mario Savio stood atop a police car at UC Berkeley and gave an impassioned speech to throngs of young pampered radicals that launched what is now ...
I noticed a fair few mentions of the phrase "death penalty" from UK news outlets last fortnight; little surprise, given that the antepenultimate Wednesday marked the ...
Whenever the Democrats whip up a feminist frenzy to win elections, as in 1992 and 2012, I"m reminded of a deflationary joke I"ve always seen attributed to a 1970s ...
Late one night last week, radio host Anthony Cumia nearly became the Bernie Goetz of shock jocks. But unlike Goetz, he didn’t use his gun, even though he says he was ...
Those who irritate us and give us grounds for righteous indignation are our secret benefactors, for there are few states of mind more gratifying than that of righteous ...
Scientific advances spur social mutations as surely as ergo prompters hoc. Sometimes the connection is irrefutable, however, if slightly askew. Air conditioning, for example, ...
I am not a religious man, which is why I don’t identify as a modern liberal. Neither do I believe in the objective existence of good and evil, which is why most human beings ...
With murky foreign affairs much in the news, it’s worth trying to figure out how to think about the notion of “false flag” operations"would, say, a ...
As recently as the early 1970s, millions of Americans couldn"t say the word "cancer" out loud, let alone "breast." Although All in the Family had broached ...
Conspiracy theories used to involve a handful of loonies obsessing over isolated alleged events. Today, what used to be seen as freak occurrences are now an endless barrage of ...
As the gay-marriage juggernaut crushes all resistance within America, it’s become obvious that the mainstream media doesn’t want to declare victory and go home. They ...
Hillary Clinton, so we are told, kept a spreadsheet devoted to her enemies, whom she rated on a scale of her own devising. I can"t say this surprised me: Mrs. Clinton ...
The temper of the times is often revealed by small details in newspapers, and that is why (I tell myself) I still read them, though it is common wisdom that they are on the path ...
When I first heard that the newest mayor of New York's first action in office was to denude the city of horse-drawn carriages, I thought it was probably a joke. I figured some ...
December 5, 2013 was the 80th annual Repeal Day, AKA the day that Prohibition was repealed. It is the highest holiday for me and my coreligionists, the American Drunkards ...
One of the more striking evolutions of recent decades has been the stealth revival of the ancient concept of hereditary guilt. It’s seldom called that"terms such as ...