Shibuya crossing, Tokyo

The Co-Decadence Sphere

It is a commonplace that the West is in decline, and that nothing can now save its bacon. It is addicted to consuming more than it produces, a situation that can continue only for so long. As Hemingway said, you go bankrupt first slowly, then quickly and suddenly. But for the West to become self-reliant in the matter of consumption would mean adjustments so painful that no politician would dare to make them. As the former prime minister of Luxembourg once said, we (meaning all politicians) all know what to do, it’s just that we don’t know how to get elected afterward. Therein lies the ...

Happy 4th of July, Slants and Redskins!

For far too many political-opinion writers, Independence Day has turned into an annual bitchfest about the U.S., with an inescapable flood of op-eds about how America is ...

Afghanistan, Then and Now

With America's 16-year-old war in Afghanistan back in the news as Defense Secretary James Mattis hints that he"€™ll be sending in perhaps 4,000 more U.S. troops, Brad Pitt's new ...

Jimmy Connors

Racquet Royalty

Next year it will be half a century since tennis went open, with the distinction between amateurs and professionals abolished. Previously it was a sport either for the very young ...


Is everyone still furious at God Emperor Trump for raining down 59 Tomahawks on Beaker? “Coulter warned that the Middle East is a quagmire.” Paul Joseph Watson is ...

Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau

Holmes or Clouseau? Who Cares”€”Trump Wins Again

There's a scene in the 1976 film The Pink Panther Strikes Again in which the nations of the world send their top assassins to eliminate Inspector Clouseau. One by one the ...

New President, New World

“Don’t Make Any Sudden Moves” is the advice offered to the new president by Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations, which has not traditionally been ...

Will Trump be Good for the Jewish People?

Much of the hysteria sweeping the fraction of the country that voted for Hillary Clinton originates in understandable Jewish worries about whether the rising tide of populist ...

Introducing: The Proud Boys

On Sunday, September 11, while college students vandalized memorials, the NYC chapter of the Proud Boys held its second meet-up at the Tribeca bar Gaslight. Though the exact ...

Dear White People: Stop Apologizing

All across America, white people are apologizing to black people for things they didn’t do and historical situations they had no hand in creating. While it obviously makes ...

We”€™re All Fascists Now

After decades of bitterly partisan acrimony, a consensus has been forged. Americans on all sides of the political compass finally agree on something: Donald Trump is a ...

12 Steps for America

Obama is an incredibly cool guy who consistently tears the teleprompter a new one but the liberal ethos is based on theories and theories are expensive. Sure, it's possible ...

Self-Made and Hyperwhite

Over the last half-century, enormous efforts have been expended by individuals to get their groups, such as blacks, women, Jews, homosexuals, and Hispanics, certified as authentic ...

Gabourey Sidibe

Gabourey Sidibe For President!

When I think about the America that led me to emigrate from Canada, I think of iconoclasts like Hunter Thompson, Lester Bangs, and Thomas Jefferson. Where Canada and Britain are ...

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