Hitler is all over the news again. These past few months, you can’t throw a rock without it careening off the head of a public figure who put his/her foot in it by saying ...
We love Yale sluts! “No” means “yes,” and “yes” means “anal”—that’s the beastly braying cry at Yale these days. The frat boys from Delta Kappa Epsilon (G. W. ...
It has been quite a month for philandering. One would be mistaken for thinking Senator John Ensign's abrupt resignation was the scandal of the moment. Instead, with news of one ...
Some thirty years or so ago, my friend P. J. O"Rourke came to dinner at my New York house with what was then his new bride. She was beautiful, reserved, intelligent, and after ...
“Hypocrisie est un hommage que la vice rend à la vertu.” La Rochefoucauld was right. Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue. More to the point, virtue ...
As someone who just handed his memoirs to Simon & Schuster, I am very sensitive about the concept of fake stories. For example, after writing about a threesome I was sure had ...
"I"m ninety-one years old, you know?" Bravo. Now have your diuretics and your hot milk drink, take your heart pills and blood-pressure tablets and your fistful of ...
So Egypt is over. Oh, we"ll hear snippets and see some snapshots, but make no mistake, Egypt is over. Why, you ask? Is it because peace is restored? (Hardly.) Is it because ...
When a supermarket's decision to put a modesty shield over a magazine cover featuring Elton John, his male lover, and their surrogate baby attracted a fierce backlash from the ...
I believe it is still within my constitutional rights to dislike Rahm Emanuel, but in the spirit of universal fairness which will likely destroy Western civilization, I ...
So apparently we"re all having another "national conversation" and "experiencing something together" as Egypt unravels. I resent these media characterizations, ...
Aren"t you fed-up with goofy renditions of our national anthem? I refer to the dreadful Miss Aguilera's butchering of "Oh, say can you see...?" at the Super ...
Guess what"many gays aren"t offended at all by the scandalous USS Enterprise video. On the contrary, one LGBT website ("The Site with Homosexual Tendencies") ...
Semper ubi sub ubi. "Juvenal When Dorothy Parker said, "Brevity is the soul of lingerie," I don"t think she anticipated to what extent the modern woman would ...
In the 1960s a kind of sport for us Yanks in Paris was making light of our cheese-eating, surrender-monkey hosts. Dr. Reginald Kernan led the American Mafia at the Travellers ...
Now, class, you will remember in this symposium's first installment that we dealt with the dry martini, the pink gin, and the bullshot, the proper cocktails which mark a gentleman ...