The Symptoms of Pott’s Disease

It is hardly surprising that newspapers nowadays more and more resemble magazines that are produced weekly or monthly instead of daily. With modern technology they can hardly any ...

A Wee Change of Heart

Donald Trump is half Scottish. His mother's family had a croft"€”a smallholding"€”on the Isle of Lewis in the Hebrides, and he is proud of his Scottish roots. So when, ten ...

Reichstag, Berlin

Erdogan’s Fire

I"€™m not the first to remark that the failed "€œcoup"€ in Turkey is as useful to President Erdogan as the Reichstag fire was to Hitler, but it is worth looking at the two ...

The Left Goes Ballistic

At a ceremony for some of the various policemen recently shot by his fellow Black Lives Matter advocates, President Barack Obama described the postapocalyptic hellscape of gun ...

Mankind Is Stuffed

When I was a boy I had a classmate (with whom my relations were neither particularly friendly nor particularly unfriendly) whose ambition was to be a taxidermist. He gave us to ...

Mel Gibson

Race, Rape, Republicans, and Rehab

Mel Gibson is back, and that's bad news for the Jews! August 25th marks the release of Gibson's much-anticipated "€œcomeback"€ film, Blood Father, in which the former A-list, ...

Paul Feig, Honorary Non”€“Straight White Male

Do you ever get the impression that our endless identity-politics culture wars have less to do with the liberation of their ostensible beneficiaries than with the further career ...

Andy Murray

Fail Safe

"€œFailing's not terrible,"€ said Andy Murray after winning his second Wimbledon final. "€œIt's okay provided you"€™ve given your best. You have to not be afraid of ...

Rise of the Middling

Though derided and despised, there is much to be said in favor of mediocrity. It is comfortable and unthreatening, unlike excellence; it makes no demands on us. Who can stand the ...

Laurel and Hardy

Referendum Follies

Whenever I gave expert evidence in murder trials, I looked at the jury and thought, "€œWhat a rabble! How on earth can you expect them to come to any proper conclusion?"€ ...

Hugo Chavez

Evil Men and Their Champions

The gift of political prophecy is certainly not mine, and I suspect that the best, most certain way of prophesying correctly is to prophesy often. That way one will, by laws of ...

OJ Simpson

Was The Juice on the Juice?

I"€™ve been pointing out for years that O.J. Simpson's 1994 white Bronco run for the Mexican border from his lawyer Robert Kardashian's house was a turning point in American ...

Apocalyptic Visions

Driving through France recently, we stopped for the night in the small town of Loudun. It had that complete, and to me pleasing or even consolatory, deadness common to many small ...

Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Leger in Brokeback Mountain

Low-Hanging Fruit

In September 2004, for the crime of having a massively blocked sewer line under my property, I was condemned to the worst fate a creature of the L.A. Westside could face"€”I had ...

It Must Be a Conspiracy

It is curious that we are never more than a slight physiological or anatomical derangement away from paranoia. An alteration of blood chemistry is often sufficient to make us ...

Enver Hoxha

A Ruthlessly Ambitious Mediocrity

The Albanian dictator, Enver Hoxha, who died in 1985, has played only a very small part in my life. In my student days I knew a few youthful admirers of his; and some twenty years ...

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