Jose Canseco

Michael Lewis”€™ Hot Hand

From his 1989 Wall Street memoir Liar's Poker to his new book, The Undoing Project, Michael Lewis has succeeded his mentor Tom Wolfe as our top Southern center-right nonfiction ...

Meryl Streep

Taxicab Confessions

The question of intellectual and moral authority is an important one, especially at a time when everyone can and does give his opinion in public about anything and everything. By ...

Choose Your Words Wisely

A paradox of the current nationalist rebellion is how worldwide it is. Three years ago, I pointed out in Takimag in a column entitled "€œNationalism Is a Blast"€: In 2014, ...

Advise and Dissent

Exhortation is almost as futile as it is inevitable, at least if measured by its immediate results. I doubt that there is anyone who has neither exhorted nor been exhorted, and ...

Havana, Cuba

Who’s Your Favorite Dictator?

Just as everyone has his favorite crime, so everyone has his favorite dictator. For much of the 20th century, Fidel Castro was the darling of the intellectuals: partly because, ...

Dissatisfaction Guaranteed

Recently we stayed a few days in Belgium with friends who had very well-brought-up children, that is to say polite and with excellent manners without having had their own ...

Light “€™Em Up

The Victorian poet Arthur Hugh Clough offered an update of the Ten Commandments. Some of his verses are merely neat, for example: "€œDo not adultery commit,/Advantage rarely ...

Basi’s Daydream

In some countries, including my own, there has been of late an increasing tendency to the Nigerianization of the economy: that is to say, the hope of wealth not by increasing it ...

Hillary Clinton

The Importance of Being Sympathetic

On the day that Donald John Trump was declared the victor in the American election I was on my way to Madrid to give a talk. I would be less than frank if I did not admit that, ...

 Isoroku Yamamoto

Way to Go, Yamamoto

On the list of unenviable situations faced by weekly columnists, No. 1 would have to be the dreaded ill-timed deadline. I"€™ll be writing this the day before the presidential ...

Bob Dylan

Not a Nobel Man

The great sinologist and literary essayist Simon Leys began his essay on the French writer André Malraux by telling the story of a village priest who reduced his whole ...

Benito Mussolini

The Putin Fan Club

UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) achieved its primary goal in June when Britain voted to leave the European Union. Its triumphant leader, Nigel Farage, resigned (though he ...

Prometheus Unbound

I am never sure whether I should lament the state of the world or be complacent about it. For on the one hand everything is going to the dogs and on the other I am a happy man. ...

“€˜War Dogs”€™ : The Real Spiel

The comic biopic War Dogs starring Jonah Hill as Efraim Diveroli, the 22-year-old Miami Beach international arms dealer whose scandal was a nine days"€™ wonder in 2008, serves ...

A Noble Pursuit

Back in the 1960s, enthusiasm for Mao's China was common on the left. Lots of young people liked to be seen with copies of the Chairman's Little Red Book. Since I don"€™t ...

America First

The Olympics tend to be the Island of Misfit Spectator Sports, showcasing competitions that got left by the wayside of popularity, such as volleyball and diving. So every couple ...

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