Easter, Beer, and Yeast

Easter was once something more than an uptick on the sales charts of the milk-chocolate industry. Instead, it was like the last day of a very bad school"€”a feast of liberation, ...

The Sinister Persian Pajama Torture

Is it me, or were the 15 British sailors and marines held by the Iranians just a little too gabby? Now that they"€™re home, the former hostages are repudiating their statements ...

Roast the Easter Bunny

Color raw eggs instead of boiled. Awaken the little ones at sunrise for the Easter Egg Hunt. But as you collect them, instead of peeling and eating hard-boiled eggs"€”let's face ...

The Death of God

This classic prayer of the Church, which pictures Jesus addressing the crowd which called for His death, speaks to every sinner. It is the perfect meditation for this, the most ...

Holy Thursday: Sangria in the Streets

Mark this multifaceted feast by making a pilgrimage to seven churches in your city"€”preferably visiting congregations you wouldn"€™t normally see, in neighborhoods you might ...

The ERA Zombie Walks the Earth

They are back, just when you thought it was safe. I mean the Feminazi crowd. And guess what they have in store for you? Why, they intend to re-introduce the Equal Rights Amendment ...

Thoughts on the Antichrist: Part II, The Law and the Prophets

When the spiritual head of Christendom opposes the war you wish to launch, you take his opposition very seriously. We might not be surprised that a non-Catholic President would ...

War Whore

I might find Ann Coulter minimally bearable if only she had the honesty to point out that the two parties are for the most part indistinguishable. They are both big-government, ...

Thoughts on the the Antichrist: Part I, The Inversion of Values

If our principles consist entirely of a series of "values," then we can easily convince ourselves that political circumstances"€”elections, cold hard cash"€”justify stressing ...

More Bridges to Nowhere

The new majority in Congress said it was different from the old majority and that multi-million dollar bridges to nowhere and money for frivolous projects would be a thing of the ...

Giuliani’s Closet

I don"€™t care one whit about Rudy Giuliani's private life, although I have a hard time believing the evangelicals are quite ready for the rutting Rudy. He is, after all, an ...

Don”€™t Look Left

The only hope of resisting the partisans of secular intolerance is to clean up the Christian Right (Catholic and Protestant), to purge it of jingoism, anti-intellectualism, ...

California’s Coup D”€™Etat

The primary system is a good one provided that it is stretched over several months. From the Iowa Caucuses in January to the California Primary in June potential nominees could be ...

Britain in the Ashtray: Notes on a Scandal

There is no reason to suppose that this film's near-perfect depiction of nihilism exaggerates, in any way, the quotidian horror of Britain under Blair. There is every reason to ...

What the Loser Wins

I am not saying that we must all turn to Eastern mysticism, or try walking on water after a heavy lunch, or even be portrayed by Francis Bacon in attitudes expressive of inner ...

St. Patrick and All Those Potatoes

The St. Patrick's Day parade is split in New York City, as in many others, between the traditional parade sponsored by the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and an "inclusive" march ...

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