It’s the Democrats”€™ Race to Lose

I watched what was advertised as the first Democratic debate of the political season. MSNBC carried a 90-minute question and answer session wherein all eight announced Democratic ...

Yeltsin Rest in Peace

Boris Nikolayevitch Yeltsin, Russia's first democratically elected head of state, has died.   At least twice in his years of power he begged the Russian people for ...

George Tenet: Revenge of the Nerd

Another Bush Administration castoff has resurfaced. Who will be next? Don Rumsfeld? First it was Paul D. Wolfowitz, ex-Deputy Director of the Pentagon, now it's George J. Tenet, ...

Bush Declares Something Accomplished

Wearing the same flight suit he had worn in 2003, though he appeared to have it on backwards, Bush stressed the significance of the new holiday, declaring, "€œWell, anyway, ...

Pulling the Trigger on Iran

It appears that the White House has ordered the U.S. fleet to attack Iran in the event Iran takes action against any country in the region. An instant war trigger. No need for ...

Goldbergism and the Decline of the Right

"Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business." This, it seems ...

Leave the Fanatics to Kill Each Other

Americans should really read this article from the Sunday Observer of London, discussing the latest terrorist outrages in Iraq. On the one hand, every thinking and informed ...

Senator Marion Barry (D-D.C.)

The House of Representatives reconvened this week after its Easter Recess. A key legislative item is the renewed effort to begin the process of transmogrifying the District of ...

If Imus Had Called Mother Teresa a “€œHo”€ He”€™d Still Have a Job

In case you were planning a career as a nasty, mean-spirited shock-jock, who makes his living using his media pulpit to slam people who mostly can’t (or won’t) fight ...

The Joy of Smear

For years, neocons and Beltway types have refused even to attack The American Conservative--preferring to pretend that it simply doesn't exist. Now the Washington Monthly is going ...

Just War, Jeremiah, and Jeremiah Weed

The prophets whom God sent to His people carried a two-fold message, which can be boiled down to this: "€œGo to Temple"€”and don"€™t provoke the goyim!"€ Again and again, ...

The New Face of National Review

National Review won't publish paleocons or principled libertarians, but it will publish perorations like this: "€œTo my last breath, I will defend Trotsky who alone and pursued ...

Mass with Pat Buchanan and the King of Rwanda

I live on Capitol Hill. And on Sunday mornings I walk to Mass, either to St. Joseph's on the Hill for convenience or, if I'm not too hung over, the earlier nine o'clock Tridentine ...

Wolfing Down the Goodies

"The unexpected gift of the invasion of Iraq has really been more than bin Laden ever dreamed was possible." —Michael Scheuer, former head of the bin Laden ...

A Christian Administration? Hardly.

President Bush has called Christ his most important moral teacher. Following this lead, the current administration regards itself as deeply religious and many of its members are ...

Antichrist Still on My Mind

Life is full of coincidences so fortuitous that it is hard to believe that they are simply random. Yesterday, as Taki's Top Drawer published the final installment of my ...

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