Pentecost: Because Fire is Cool

The Feast of Pentecost is one of the most important to Christians, for a number of reasons. First, it marks the birthday of the Church, the day when the Holy Spirit came down on ...

Ron Paul’s Patriotic Crimethink

The attempt by Congressman Ron Paul of Texas to discuss what happened and why--to account for the 9/11 terrorist attacks--is an enormous breakthrough on the American political ...

Remembering Kent State: The President as Street Thug

The Ohio war protesters are shot and killed on Monday; Friday is set aside as a day of mourning. On Wall Street organized gangs of men dressed as construction workers converge ...

The White House Steroid Scandal

Hubris (TM) had originally been patented by Nemesis, the Greek pharmaceuticals giant, but was withdrawn after questions were raised. The literature on the drug, which dates back ...

When Republicans Debate; When Cousins Marry

Having forced myself to watch the most recent display of Republican presidential intelligence in Columbia, South Carolina on May 15, I came away with impressions that clearly jar ...

Who’s the Real Peace Candidate?

Ron Paul's opposition to the Iraq conflict stems from his general libertarianism, since he agrees with Randolph Bourne that war is the health of the state. He has always opposed ...

Un-Killing Whitey: The Achievement of Sam Francis

To those of us who knew and respected for years the journalism of Samuel Francis (1947-2005), it remains hard to believe that he is gone. The outlets that regularly published him ...

Iraq: The Web of Lies

Who knows what to believe about the bloody catastrophe that is Iraq? Faced with the serial deceptions of Richard Cheney and George W. Bush, layer upon layer, we tend to become ...

The Saint Who Invented Therapy

St. Dymphna was buried in Gheel, where she was martyred, and a shrine was built in her honor. Several centuries later, a group of "€œmadmen"€ who"€™d been driven from town ...

Free Speech and Filters

Does the public demand trash talk or not? If truly the public is sick and tired of garbage, or if the public is sick and tired of the way our culture has been destroyed by our ...

Puritans or Habsburgs

Among its idiosyncrasies, the neocon imperial idea, which according to Gamble is especially tempting for Protestant Americans, assumes the inherent depravity of the Habsburg ...

How Gatsby Skinned His Head

A mere seven years after Boris Yeltsin's Pink Elephants were dispossessed of Russia's nuclear football and something approximating political and economic stability began to reign ...

The Rothschilds, Opus One, and Opus Dei

If there's one thing that makes people happier than finding a forgotten bottle in the cupboard or a six pack in the fridge, it's finding out that world events are dominated by an ...

The Kissinger Connection

If "€œOperation Iraqi Freedom"€ may accurately be regarded as Wolfowitz's War in its conception, then the aftermath of the war should be viewed as the Kissinger-Feith ...

Cowards, Bullies, and Killers

American society has descended from one that whelped men who threw punches if a woman heard the lame profanity of a drunken lout, to one that whelps men who watch their women ...

It’s the Democrats”€™ Race to Lose

I watched what was advertised as the first Democratic debate of the political season. MSNBC carried a 90-minute question and answer session wherein all eight announced Democratic ...

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