Bush & Cheney: It’s Time to Resign

Logically, Cheney and Bush should resign forthwith. That is the only honest course of action. The conviction of Libby convicts them. Surely, Patrick Fitzgerald and his team ...

How the Homintern Won in Massachusetts

Homosexuals picture themselves as on the defensive. They claim they are discriminated against. In fact, they are on the offensive. Their lobby has evolved into one of the more ...

Pope Benedict XVI and Islam: Allah the Irrational

Just as Christians believe that we are made in the image and likeness of God, Muslims see themselves as a reflection of Allah. And as we wish to conform our will to God's Will, ...

Hillary Clinton’s “€œPeace Offensive”€

Hillary Clinton has finally joined forces with Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia! Hillary wants to do it over…take another vote about invading Iraq. Can you believe it? ...

Revolting Elites and Their Pet Amnesty

Here's one aspect of the amnesty which no one is talking about: The moment each of these illegals receives his walking papers, he will be eligible for affirmative action ...

The Honorable Ashcroft

Bizarrely enough it actually transpires that a man who thinks dancing is wrong and nudie sculptures distracting can also believe that, national emergency or no, the rule of law is ...

Honor-Killings, Islam, and Christendom

The Koran is explicit on the subject of disciplining women in general and wives in particular, as critics of Islam, former Moslems in particular, observe. And while the Koran may ...

The Death of American Empire

We do not live in a perfect world. We live in a world of the possible, the tolerable, and/or the just barely manageable. We cannot go back to the dream of the Founding Fathers of ...

Chain of Fools: Nepotism as Immigration Policy

An uncontrolled influx of immigrants, as now exists at the Mexican Border, and legal immigration through presently accepted chain-immigration policies, with no language ...

Take My Computer, Please

Computers are like women because only a fool pretends to comprehend their immense mystery and complexity. One day they"€™re happy (as far as one knows) helpmeets, the next ...

The Right to Shirk

Stalin, who espoused the profound rationalism of a Constitution that made socially useful labour into universal law, lost out on Europe's scientific genius and therefore on world ...

Why Iran Will Never Back Down

Humour-challenged US officials take Iranian utterances at face value, causing them to ratchet up the pressure. Their Israeli counterparts"€”who live in the region, after all, ...

The Wines of Provence and the Armies of Allah

What happened to turn wealthy sixth-century Gaul into the howling wasteland it would become just a hundred years later? It was the Islamic conquest of the Middle East and North ...

Still Slandering Serbia

The New York Times"€™ firing of Judith Miller, allegedly for bad reporting, served the same purpose as the paper's daily "€œCorrections"€ column: It suggested that ...

“€œIslamophobia”€ and “€œAnti-Fascist”€ Frauds

A recent exchange held on WDAY's Hot Talk with Scott Hennan between Serb journalist and author of Sword of the Prophet, Srdja Trifkovic and best-selling neocon celebrity Dinesh ...

Why is Western Media Bashing the New Russia?

I once asked Igor Gaidar why Russia was receiving such bad coverage. He said that the Soviets had spent millions to infiltrate the Western media, "€œJust because the Soviets ...

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