Wonder Woman Makes You Wonder About Women

Laci Green is an incredibly sexy social justice warrior who had dozens of feminist-ally suitors until some alt-right asshole rolled up in his Gran Torino and said, "€œGet in, ...

The Best Defense is a Good Offense

What if Charles Murray is right? What if some of the various racial gaps in cognitive performance are due to genetics? Would that be the end of the world? It is considered ...

Laurence Olivier

Who’s Afraid of Whom?

Increasingly, social-grievance jihadis are getting themselves worked up over casting decisions in movies, TV shows, plays, and even operas, labeling anything they disapprove of as ...

Days of the Clydes

The Horseman by Tim Pears is one of the best novels I"€™ve read in a long time. The first part of a projected trilogy, it is set in rural England before the 1914"€“18 war, and ...

More Hysterics on Campus

Lately, American higher education is notoriously prone to tantrums. Two more academic meltdowns last week raise connected questions: First, are scholars allowed to suggest any ...

Pity the Poor Politicians

The contempt in which we hold most of our politicians, while largely justified, is also dangerous. Politics seems increasingly to be the means by which people who would not ...

Dark Side of the Moon, Pink Floyd

White Privilege vs. White Death

Nobel-winning economist Angus Deaton and his wife, Anne Case, have released a new study, "€œMortality and Morbidity in the 21st Century,"€ enumerating how many unprivileged ...

Worms Have Rights Too

The real winners of the recent Dutch elections were the animals"€”or at least the Party for the Animals, which might not benefit animals any more than workers"€™ parties ...

Diversity Versus Debate

The recent riot at Middlebury College by science denialists who put a woman professor in the hospital while attempting to do violence to Charles Murray has elicited passionate ...

missing asset:https://www.takimag.com/images/uploads/François_Fillon_2010.jpg

A Pardon for M. Fillon

These are wonderful times for conspiracy theorists. Not a sparrow falls but M. Trump, Obama, or Putin is behind it, if not the CIA, the FBI, the FSB, MI6, or Mossad. The problem ...

A Recipe for Relief

The combination of Brexit and an imminent second Scottish independence referendum is profoundly depressing. Better to think of other things"€”food, for example. That offers ...

Fred Terman

“€œFrantic Yelling Ensued”€

Congressman Steve King (R-IA) has noticed just how extremist today's respectable conventional wisdom has become. So King has been exercising a Trump-like knack for trolling the ...

SPLC 2: The Search for More Money

It was a bad week for the Southern Poverty Law Center, America's self-appointed witch-sniffers-in-chief. For decades, the SPLC, despite its comic history of money-grubbing and ...

Owens Valley aqueduct

Undocumented Irrigation

The ongoing Oroville Dam crisis has received modest national attention, in part because the press hasn"€™t figured out how to blame it on Trump. Moreover, attributing the ...

Edward Said

The Vengeance of Edward Said

Contemporary white progressives cater to the most regressive tendencies of the various Others. Anybody who can get themselves classified as an official Other-American is today ...

Oh, the Hupersonity!

The British Medical Association, of which I am an undistinguished member, recently published a booklet entitled A Guide to Effective Communication in the Workplace, which I ...

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