Agents Provocateurs

Southerners, like the European Celts who are their primary cultural progenitors, tell stories. Of course, all peoples tell stories, but Southerners tell stories not merely to ...

Still Rebels, Still Tories

On June 23 2005, in deciding Kelo v. City of New London, the majority ruled that governments may seize property from private citizens if they have found a new owner who will pay ...

A Patriotic Thought Experiment

"€œI am going to teach [them] to elect good men."€—President Woodrow Wilson, referring to his decision in 1914 to invade Mexico.  (Quoted in Peter Smith, Talons of ...

Who (or What) is James Kirchick?

This James Kirchick character who smears Taki in TNR has quite a rep in the blogosphere, best summed up by liberal blogger Matt Yglesias: “Kirchick has a promising future ...

The New Republic Bashes Taki

James Kirchick of the limping New Republic has shown his totalitarian stripes. In a silly, probably libelous blog he attacks the good Taki as racist, anti-Semitic, ...

Israel”€”A “€œFree”€ Country? Ha!

We’re told that Israel, unlike the Arab states that surround it, is a “free” country, a “democracy” just like us: indeed, the Israelis are trying to ...

“€œScooter’s”€ Can of Worms

Since we last addressed the topic, Irving “Scooter” Libby was assigned a federal prison number. It certainly looked like he was headed for a Federal correctional ...

Deport the Black Muslims?

My friend Scott Richert is right: there is a problem. But excluding all “adherents of Islam” from the US isn’t the solution. To begin with, a real terrorist ...

Scooter Scoots

For all those career criminals out there, oppressed by a legal system stacked against them, who hope against hope that the justice of their cause will some day be recognized, the ...


A pipe bomb explodes in a trash can outside of Disney World in Florida, and it makes international headlines. The hysteria builds—and it’s easily translatable into war ...

The London Bombing

”So incompetent as to be almost laughable”—That’s how former Scotland Yard investigator John O’Connor characterized the incredibly botched London ...

Paleocon Book of the Year

If you haven’t read Victor Gold’s Invasion of the Party Snatchers: How the Holy Rollers and the Neocons Destroyed the GOP, then you’re in for a treat. Irascible ...

We”€™ll Always Have Paris

It’s out of control, all right. Not just the the hijacked governance of the world’s "lone surviving Superpower"—but the entire social and intellectual ...

Wolfe’s Howl

If Russell Kirk is guilty of reading too much of European conservatism into the American founding, Allan Wolfe goes even farther in the other direction, by assuming that the ...

Highballs and High Society

I would especially like to believe the theories of David Icke, a former British soccer player who "€œdiscovered"€ the fact that the world has been dominated, for the past ...

In Darkest New England

It was in New England that the American Revolution began, as any trekker along Boston's Freedom Trail knows; here too started much of our national culture: From New England ...

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