Poddy and Rudy

The Pod Man is appointed “senior foreign policy advisor” to Benito Giuliani, but rumor has it that Poddy accepted the appointment only on the condition that he be ...

Harold O.J. Brown, RIP

In 1988, as a student at Michigan State University, I took a course on the development of Christian doctrine under Tom Ryba, now the theologian-in-residence at the St. Thomas ...

The Unbearable Smugness of George Stephanopoulos

The smug look on George Stephanopoulos’ face when he told Ron Paul that he’d be willing to bet his last dollar the Good Doctor has no chance of winning the GOP ...

Could the Latin Mass Save Western Civilization?

The health of the Catholic Church was and is integral to the health of the West. If our civilization is to withstand its current slate of internal and external foes -- throughout ...

Spread That Meme!

I had to laugh out loud when I read this on LRC: “Boston Herald: Ron Paul Is ‘Genuine and Optimistic’ “Posted by Lew Rockwell at July 9, 2007 12:40 ...

Metallica”€”A Taliban Front?

If you aren’t cleanshaven, you might think twice before flying into Not-So-Merrie-Old England: “Metallica singer James Hetfield was investigated by UK airport ...

The Fairness Doctrine: A Qualified Defense

Having read Rich Lowry's latest gripe in National Review about the application of the Fairness Doctrine and how this liberal trick would hurt "€œconservative"€ radio ...

Will the Feds Censor Talk Radio?

There was no talk-radio as we know it today until the Reagan Administration. The Federal Communications Commission repealed the so-called Fairness Doctrine. The reason stations ...

Sake and the Latin Mass

In the 1970s, as Pope Paul VI faced wholesale rebellion by progressives in the Church, he wielded his papal authority instead to persecute the small numbers of Catholics who ...

The Ron Paul “€œSurge”€ Continues

Following the surprising announcement that Ron Paul is third in terms of fundraising this quarter, comes the news that the Cobb country GOP, the biggest Republican organization in ...

“€œFear-Mongering”€ or Realism?

In the comments on “Control the Borders, Not the Citizens,” Michael Morris suggests that I’m engaging in “fear-mongering” when I mention the ...

Ron Paul’s In the Money

ABC News reports Ron Paul is third in the fundraising race, with “an impressive $2.4 million in cash on hand after raising an equal amount during the second quarter, putting ...

Mr. President, Put Up That Wall!

The simple job of constructing a 2,000-mile border fence to protect U.S. citizens from an invasion of illegal aliens seems to overwhelm the once-proud nation that defeated two of ...

The “€œScooter”€ Libby, Jay Pollard, Marc Rich Connection

Does the “Scooter” Libby commutation story have legs? Will it make any real difference in terms of bringing back a modicum of integrity and honesty to the capital of ...

Help Wanted

I see that Manuel Noriega is due for release soon, at least that’s what the Federal Bureau of Prisons web site says. It’s always so hard for prisoners to make the ...

A Martyr for Peace

A week before George W. Bush arrived in Rome for their first meeting, Benedict XVI put his signature to a document proclaiming the Austrian farmer Franz Jägerstätter a ...

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