The Kirk Wars Continue

The New Republic is about the last place anyone would look for a fair reading of traditionalist conservatism. The magazine's review pages are often outstanding, with such ...

Rebellion at National Review

The neocons over at National Review are usually so boring that one can barely stand to read their blog, “The Corner,” but the inimitable John Derbyshire gives us a ...

The Last Time I Saw Paris

Even in some of my saner moments, however, I can detect within myself a tendency of character that transforms me into a kind of Taki of the Gutter. Thus I may be the only writer ...

Country Club Republican

A very good friend of mine, an older woman but not old, is what you might call a Country Club Republican. She is not an "intellectual" or a rigorously logical person. On ...

A Choice, Not An Echo

Here is the text of a speech I just gave at a Ron Paul for President rally in Mountain View, California. A good 600 people showed up in the middle of a park next to Google ...

The Real Bastille Day

The French Revolution was really a digestive eruption of all the basest instincts in the lowest elements of society, led by power-drunk ideologues of the radical Left. It was ...

It Takes A Liberal (Part II)

Is Matt Yglesias the conscience of the Right? In a piece published in response to Brink Lindsay’s “The Libertarian Center,” Yglesias agrees with Lindsay’s ...

The Foxman Follies

A great piece by Joey Kurtzman over at, “Fire Foxman,” which is really the definitive takedown of the man who turned spurious accusations of anti-Semitism ...

It Takes A Liberal

Sadly, it takes a liberal—Matt Yglesias, one of the most consistently interesting lefty-liberal bloggers, over at The Atlantic now—to diagnose the repulsive symptoms ...

Twinkies for War

Neocon Matthew Continetti, an associate editor of The Weakly Standard, is asked if he’s capable of holding a gun. I say he isn’t. I’m not the first one to notice ...

Forget the Fairness Doctrine”€”Save Internet Radio

As interesting as I find the back and forth among Messrs. Weyrich, Gottfried, and others, I think we’re missing the forest fire for the trees: Recently imposed FCC ...

3-Ball Dead

There is a nasty situation in croquet, the six-wicket American version, in which you can find yourself 3-ball dead. When this happens, your opponent has a big advantage. He is the ...

The German Disease

As the former German Foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer, has stated multiple times, "€œAuschwitz is the founding myth of our German democracy."€ And in line with this morbid ...

Rudy Giuliani: Urban Legend

I like the title of the new anti-Giuliani website put up by the International Union of Fire-fighters: Rudy Giuliani, Urban Legend. Here is Rudy going around the country, posturing ...

Response to My Critics

It is not generally my practice to answer bloggers responding to my commentaries. I"€™ve also had the strong sense that some of the respondents to Paul Weyrich's attack on the ...

Ron Paul: The Conscience of Conservatism

He's the conscience of the Republican party, or, at least, of its conservative wing "€“ a reminder of the good old days, when being a right-wing GOPer meant never having to say ...

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