The Kissinger Pardon

Henry Kissinger wrote just one of the raft of letters written to Judge Reggie Walton (373 of them altogether), the vast majority of which sought clemency for Scooter Libby. This ...

Bush Fatigue Sweepstakes

Will George W. Bush beat out Harry Truman and Richard Nixon as the President with the lowest poll ratings ever? 65 percent currently disapprove of Dubya’s job performance, ...

Litvinenko Revisionism, Revisited

Why pick up the latest John LeCarre novel, when the Litvinenko murder mystery is making headlines? A rare radioactive substance poisons a self-styled Russian ...

Andy’s List, Revised Edition

I see Andrew Sullivan, inspired by Daniel Larison, has decided to issue his own list of “lessons I’ve learned from the Iraq debacle,” and being that he’s ...

A Liar’s Progress

Just as I was thinking that National Review couldn"€™t get any worse, I ran across new and even more tasteless verbiage on its pages. The comments by David Frum in the June 25 ...

Hitchens”€™ Hubris

It is true that the triumph of atheism in the West need not necessarily produce what the triumph of atheism produced in Russia -- mass murder and cultural devastation on a scale ...

Did Vladimir Putin Steal Anne Applebaum’s Wallet?

Anne Applebaum's bosom buddy, Nikita, is getting kicked out of his Moscow digs: the state-subsidized housing he lives in is being sold to private developers. You"€™d think that ...

Addicted to Guilt

A Fourth of July Washington Post-syndicated column by W's former speechwriter and the author of his Second Inaugural, Michael Gerson, struck so many Republican, neoconservative, ...

Confederates and Catholics, Unite!

As Walker Percy, Margaret Mitchell and Flannery O"€™Connor perceived, in the current struggle between the "€œModernity"€ foisted on us by our elites and those who hold to ...

A Non-Hypothetical Answer

Zimbabwe is a disaster area, ruled by a Marxist dictator whose murderous tendencies make Saddam Hussein look like a saint.  The massacres of the early years of Robert ...

Covering the Ron Paul Beat: Prelude to Iowa

Neocon blogger-GOP “insider” Patrick Ruffini —described by the New York Times as a former “e-director for the Republican National Committee”— ...

Oh, Hang it Up

Dumbest “spin” of year award goes to ABC News, for this: “His presidential campaign may not have as much cash on hand as Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, but McCain is ...

Goodbye to All That

The news that Crisis magazine will cease print publication September 1, to be replaced by a free online version, is sad—perhaps not in itself, but for what it represents. I ...

Neocons and the Left: Know Your Enemies

To whatever extent there is an establishment conservative voice in the United States and in much of Western Europe, it sounds unmistakably neoconservative. Whether the topic is ...

The Ron Paul Revolution Takes Off

CBS News covers the presidential contest as if it were a horse race, and here’s their take on the dark horse, Ron Paul, who is clearly gaining on the anointed ...

Soapboxing for Ron

Here is a Youtube video of part of my speech at the Ron Paul rally in Mountain View, California, held this past weekend. The camera work is shaky, and completely collapses at the ...

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