Iowa GOP Debate: Go Back to Sleep, Kathryn

“I overslept,” writes Kathyrn Jean Lopez in National Review‘s “The Corner. “Almost forgot about the Republican debate. Woke up to Iowans cheering Ron ...

A Glass Half Full

For several years I"€™ve been arguing over the same point with my son and my colleague Wes McDonald. Both think that I"€™m too hard on Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. They ...

Malta: Knights, Wars & Wines

One of the most delightfully anachronistic institutions in the world is an order of military monks called the Knights of Malta. The Knights got named for Malta because that small, ...

Ron Paul and the Right

The buzz about Ron Paul has gotten louder, as was inevitable in the case of the lone antiwar Republican candidate, and yet there is something about “Dr. No” personally ...

Uncle Cheney Liberates 50 Million People

I was visiting someone in the hospital last night, so I was forced to sit there and watch the Larry King interview with Richard Cheney. Normally, I don’t watch a speech or ...

cultural revolution

            An English classicist, broadcaster, and man of letter, Sean Gabb, has just sent me a copy of a booklet he had written Cultural ...

Cosmopolitan Si, Multicultural, No!

Yes, we are members of communities of faith. But there is common humanity, and, in various places and at various times, common civilizations have flourished, each articulating ...

Novak Endorses Ron Paul

The Washington Times reports a visit by Bob Novak to the Heritage Foundation, where he regaled conservative bloggers with his take on current events and gave a little spiel about ...

Mahony and Murdoch: When Roger Met Rupert

It would be unkind, unfair, and possibly untrue to infer that the warmth of Cardinal Mahony toward his paladin Rupert Murdoch is based purely upon filthy lucre. In truth, there ...

A Few Good Men…Left

On Friday, July 20, President Bush issued an executive order that seems designed mainly to protect members of his administration from prosecution once he leaves office.  At ...

Hit and Run

Blogging on Reason’s “Hit and Run,” Brian “Radicals for Capitalism” Doherty chronicles the objections of “some libertarians” to Ron Paul ...

Our Kurdish Problem

Bob Novak spills the beans this morning: “The morass in Iraq and deepening difficulties in Afghanistan have not deterred the Bush administration from taking on a dangerous ...

Fidel’s Mini-Me Cracks Down

On May 30, the Los Angeles Times and the Kansas City Star ran an op-ed by Bart Jones that was so effusive in its praise of Chavez it would be difficult to distinguish from his ...

On Kammunism

I have a piece in the (British) Guardian on Ron Paul, which I dashed off a bit too quickly, but it reads pretty well in spite of that. What’s interesting is the comments ...

Who Killed Pat Tillman?

Pat Tillman was shamelessly used by this administration in order to shore up support for a futile, increasingly unpopular war. When he enlisted, disdaining a multi-million dollar ...


About two weeks ago Justin Raimondo mentioned on a blog that Ron Paul's enemies had begun to smear him as an anti-Semite and racist. From the references I assumed that the sources ...

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