Return of the “€œNeocon”€ Con Men

When it comes to right and wrong, let's throw out the labels "€œconservative"€ and "€œliberal"€. These terms have been denuded of meaning. Thanks to those pushy ...

Troubling Thoughts

I wonder how many of our readers saw last night’s discussion with Republican pollster Frank Luntz, a commentary that was absorbing enough so that I was able to watch FOX for ...

Ideological Diversity and its Discontents

Alright, alright, enough already with the Hamburger Question, let’s get down the Really Important Things, i.e. mentions of me on the Internets. This is the Writer’s ...

McDonald’s and Man’s Search for Meaning

Scott is half-right—I suffer from a Syndrome having to do with restlessness, but it has nothing to do with my legs .... Moving right along, however: I am perplexed by this ...

The Big Conundrum

I have a solution to Scott Richert’s McDonald’s conundrum: if you don’t like McDonald’s, then don’t patronize them. I know that’s terribly ...

Confessions of an Australian Organist

There's no limit to what troublemaking choristers can achieve. I have been present when a tenor has simply walked out of the choir in the middle of Mass, apparently because he was ...


Two days ago my frenzied attempt to “make sense of the American Right” came out as a book with Palgrave-Macmillan. My readers are urged to get hold of this slim ...

Loose Ends


Gay Blowback (But In A Good Way)

Via Nick Gillespie, in Reason‘s “Hit and Run” blog, we have this wonderfully subversive video brought to you by a gay New Yorker with a distinct aversion to ...

Falstaff in a Fedora

If Taki were a singer, he would be George Melly. Alas, if Taki were George Melly, he would be dead. George Melly was a "€œfat and fairly famous"€ (his second wife's words) ...

An Inspiration

This has got to be one of the most inspiring fundraising appeals of recent times: Help cover Frum’s ...

Iowa GOP Debate: “€œFrom Jane Fonda to Dr. Strangelove”€

Stephanopulous asks “What will you restore to the office of the President of the United States?” None of the candidates, except for Ron Paul, really addresses the ...

Iowa GOP Debate: On the “€œFair Tax”€

On the “fair tax”: Huckabee: Yes, it will end the underground economy. No more dope dealers, prostitutes, and Bad People in general. You’ve heard about the ...

Iowa GOP Debate: The Specter of Cheney

Video question on the role of the Vice President. Should there be a constitutional amendment on the role of the VP? McCain: Jokes about the role of the VP being to ask, daily, ...

Iowa GOP Debate: It’s All About Foreign Policy

More on the Iowa follies: On Barack Obama’s plan to bomb and/or invade Pakistan: Giuliani is in favor, of course. Is there any crazed foreign policy “option” ...

Iowa GOP Debate: Megalomania Isn”€™t Pretty

“I am going to be judged by History,” proclaims Mad John McCain at the Iowa debate, “not public opinion polls.” Translation: L’Etat, c’est ...

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