My Book

Unless I"€™m mistaken, the liberal-neocon establishment will black out my new book, on the conservative movement, with the same dogged malice it brought to bear against my ...

Will the “€œIck”€ Factor Boost Romney?

The frightfully prosaic rash of sexual indiscretions among Republicans has cast an unflattering light on the Party of traditional marriage, and returns us to Mitt Romney and his ...

Hitler and the New Nazi Religion

The most blatant example of the Nazis"€™ perverse cooption of Christianity is the assigning of the role of Messiah to Hitler. In this blasphemy Hitler takes the place of Christ; ...

A Few More Thoughts

Unlike my eldest daughter, who is a mathematician and econometrician, I have about as much training in statistics as did St. Anselm of Canterbury or Augustus Caesar. But I did ...

Of Prophets, Priests, and Pansies

Opus the Penguin has seen his share of controversy, especially back in the 1980’s, when Berkeley Breathed’s Bloom County was a more liberal (and more intelligent, and ...

Caught With His Pants Down

By now the news that Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho) was arrested for “lewd conduct” at the Minneapolis airport rest room—thereby carrying on a long tradition of ...

The Hollow Men: Hitchens, Dawkins, and Harris

Instead of a terrifying and interesting storm of doubt, my ship of faith only encountered in these "new atheists'" books a few annoying water balloons. The sales of Dawkins, ...

“€œChildish Unreason”€, Then and Now

It is rather late in the day, granted, but perhaps we can learn something from the track record of the British, especially from their mistakes. The British went everywhere, it ...

The Lobby Strikes

The publication of The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, a book-length version of the now-famous essay by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, is—naturally!—an ...

Is Europe Waking Up?

A demonstration against the "€œIslamicization of Europe"€ scheduled to take place in Brussels on September 11, 2007 and put together by the umbrella organization Pax Europa ...

Chavez in Wonderland

What are we to make of Hugo Chavez’s decree that the clocks of Venezeula shall all be set forward by half an hour—in order to increase the “metabolism and ...

An obvious Omission


Vietnam, Again

George Szamuely is an absolutely brilliant writer, whose acerbic columns for, entitled “Decline of the West,” took the viewpoint of a supremely realistic, ...

The Pragmatism of Russell Kirk

In so far as it is an ideology, conservatism belongs to the modern age, as well as to Modern Age. But, as Gerald Russello's recent insightful study shows, Russell Kirk's moral ...

I Won”€™t Drive a Truck Anymore

”Home to Houston,” one of the great antiwar tracks on country rocker Steve Earle’s album The Revolution Starts Now, tells the story of a soldier stationed in ...

Investigate the Neocons

We urgently need an American Inspector Maigret to investigate who was behind the decision to invade Iraq. The invasion was entirely unnecessary, wanton and ruinous. On its face, ...

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