Sept. 11, 2001: Adrift Among the Dead

America had made history but until now not experienced history, at least not since the War Between the States, and most of us are from families who immigrated since then. The day ...

Neo-Nazis … in Israel?

A neo-Nazi cell in ... Israel? To which one can only add: Oy vey! Actually, this is not all that surprising. After all, Israeli nationalist ideology has evolved into a form of ...

The Smoking Gun

For all of you out there who think G.W. Bush deserves to be impeached—I’m with you, of course—we may now have the “smoking gun” which would force the ...

Generation 911

It's easy, in the wake of the Iraq invasion, to forget what else was going on at the time"€”for instance, the bloodiest period of the Palestinian Intifada, in the spring of ...

Nada Lotta

Richard Brookhiser on Fred Thompson: “Fred Thompson came to the offices of National Review some years when he was still in the Senate. I liked him fine. He has done ...

A Sensitive conservative

Although we have met only several times in our lives, and then only briefly, I have followed the career of George F. Will with at least intermittent interest. We are almost the ...

Noonan on Ron Paul

Peggy Noonan delivers a warning to the Republican presidential pack: “The debate was full of fireworks about Iraq, about its essentials—the rightness of the endeavor, ...

Pakistani Christians Bombed”€”In NYC

Hate crime against traditional (liturgical) Christians is growing, and we need to take action now. First of all, we need to keep using the internet to break through the ...

Paul Cleans Huckabee’s Clock

The highlight of the GOP presidential debate, held in New Hampshire, and broadcast on Faux Fox News, was this exchange between Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee (Hat tip: ...

The Dollar Sign or the Cross: Which Faith Will Save China?

The number of Chinese Christians in churches approved and unapproved has been increasing exponentially. Pope Benedict's ingenious response to this situation has been a kind of ...

Introducing the Hugo Chavez Award

In light of the demonstrated ability of Hugo Chavez and his “Bolivarian” compadres to come up with government regulations that sound like self-parody, but ...

Chavez in Wonderland (Episode Two)

Why not regulate everything? That seems to be the central canon of what Hugo Chavez calls “Bolivarianism,” which is Venezuelan for bollocks. Chavez started out as a ...

The Next War

The biggest scandal at the moment in Washington is a subset of the biggest scandal in Washington ongoing for decades. For the latter, read about it in the most important book on ...

Taking Back Our Children

From the Head Start program to the International Baccalaureate, the whole purpose of "€˜education"€™ today is to create new generations of Americans who think that the United ...

The Reemergence of Professors Mearsheimer and Walt

The venerable, highbrow publisher—Farrar, Straus and Giroux—is publishing the bombshell book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy this week. In a recent blog ...

Build a Bureaucrat Factory?

There are now thousands of bureaucrats on the government payroll who produce very little. According to Clinton the baby-boomers are retiring, we must train people to take their ...

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