No Exit

The Baker-Hamilton Report has come and gone. The Petraeus Report has come and gone. Nothing has changed. There is no exit. More to the point, there is no plan for an exit. Give ...

Greenspan’s Gambits

One feature of Mr. Greenspan's memoirs that has caused Beltway politicos to contract a case of the vapors is his statement that the invasion of Iraq was "€œlargely about ...

A Cyber-Reading List

Um, one hardly knows how to respond to Scott’s blog, which touts me—in the spirit of jest, one hopes—as one of the Premier Attractions of the upcoming meeting of ...

Join Taki and Justin in the Seat of the Empire

Come one, come all!  Readers of Taki’s Top Drawer have a rare opportunity to meet the great man in the flesh this Friday and Saturday (September 21-22), at the 18th ...

The Anatomy of Cruelty

No man can create an animal, but history shows men terribly capable of making animals of themselves. To be fair to the lower orders of creation, however, they don't deserve to be ...

Neocons for Rudy

Uh oh, it looks like the neocons have settled on a presidential candidate, and it is (you guessed it) ... “They are officially known as Rudy Giuliani’s senior ...

The Demagogue Express

Here’s the video of Mad John McCain going ballistic over the anti-Petraeus ad in the New York Times: <object width=“425” ...

Petraeus: An “€˜Ass-Kisser”€™?

Amid the cries of “Hail, Caesar!” coming from Congress in response to General Petraeus’s appointment as front man for George W. Bush, and the snarls of outrage ...

Fox News Versus Carl Cameron

I had to laugh, on the morning of the sixth anniversary of 9/11, when Fox News did a program that was supposed to “debunk those crazy 9/11 conspiracy myths once and for ...

A Reponse to Justin

                        Reconsidering Immediate Withdrawal From Justin's reply to my last blog ...

Buyers”€™ Remorse?

There was the latest issue of Avenue magazine on the desk in my Palm Beach hotel room last November. I have a soft spot for Avenue, ever since it published a short story of mine, ...

Thank God We”€™re Still in Vietnam

"I remember as a young lieutenant hearing another senator say something like that back in 1972. What would have happened if President Nixon had bowed to the anti-war pressure and ...

The Hagelian Dialectic

The Democrats were pretty cautious in their handling of General Petraeus during the Senate hearing on the “surge” in Iraq: they are easily intimidated by a man in ...

Contra Gottfried: Out Now!

With all due respect, Paul Gottfried just doesn’t get it—we are way past salvaging what is left of our “honor” when it comes to the invasion and conquest ...

More Primary Debates

The Republican presidential primary debate held last week did not really change my mind about who gets my vote (Ron Paul); nonetheless, it did raise for me certain questions about ...

Two New Myth-Busting Books

I"€™ve just finished two books written by promising young scholars, "The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution" by Kevin A. C. Gutzman and "33 Questions about American ...

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