Noam Chomsky

A Portrait of Noam Chomsky: A Great Mind in a Weak Soul

“Money is a new form of slavery,” Noam Chomsky tweeted on Sept. 5, “and is only distinguishable from the old slavery simply by the fact that it is impersonal.” Though you ...

Rule Reversal

Recently two Parisian taxi drivers of African origin have told me that they wished to return to Africa, and had concrete plans actually to do so. Several of their friends had ...

Death or Discomfort?

Freud said that dreams were the royal road to the unconscious—provided, of course, that the traffic was directed by him. His work has always seemed to me more like soothsaying ...

Boston, Massachusetts

War of the Classes

Francis Fukuyama hypothesized the ending of history, but he failed to foresee the increasingly popular practice of the mending of history to delegitimize the right of the ...

Looking Backwards

Few people will speak in favor of slavery now. It’s illegal in every country with any claim to being civilized. I doubt if even the white supremacists who brought violence to ...

All in the Delivery

There’s an old joke about a young comedian making his first appearance at a club in the Catskills. The opening act is a legendary old Borscht Belt comic, whose routine consists ...

Swearing Up and Down

What I take to be a very well-oiled revolving door has ejected Mr. Scaramucci from the White House before he had properly got in. I’m not, for the moment anyway, concerned with ...

The West Is History

Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk is killing it at the box office and will likely gross over $200M. It’s a horrible movie that is stressful to watch and never seems to end. The ...

Nolan’s Finest Hour

Back in 2014, I ended my Taki's review of Christopher Nolan's ambitious but imperfect Interstellar by suggesting that his blockbuster-every-two-years schedule was too rapid even ...

Sofia Coppola

Remembering Hollywood’s Favorite White Black Man

I hate Hollywood. To me, the entertainment industry ranks right up there with rectal cancer on the list of the worst things in the world. And no, not because the biz is a CIA ...

Samuel Johnson by Joshua Reynolds

The Good Doctor

Not many people, I imagine, still read Dr. Johnson for pleasure or instruction, though he was once the favorite reading of the educated in the English-speaking world and his ...

A Question of Courage

John Lodwick was a British author"€”Anglo-Irish, really"€”who had an adventurous war, to put it mildly, wrote a dozen or so novels, and was killed in a car crash in Spain when ...

Alma Mater Blotter

What's the worst college in America in terms of taking in kids from rich families and turning out young adults who, despite all their privileges, still won"€™t earn very ...

Straight, No (Race) Mixer

Life in these United States can be very difficult for an African-American cisgendered homosexual male rice-queen. Like I needed to tell any of you that. I"€™m sure we all ...

A Sobering Thought

Drinking was great fun when we were young. There were few things that I enjoyed more. Like Terry Lennox in Raymond Chandler's most booze-sodden"€”and that's saying ...

Woodlice Wisdom

There is no better or more salutary way of reminding yourself of your own profound and irreparable ignorance than to browse in a well-stocked secondhand bookshop. It is also a way ...

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