Gays and conservative Values

Since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his widely discussed address at Columbia University last week maintained that homosexuals do not exist in his country, the neocon-Republican war squad ...

The Bush Legacy: Dust and Ashes

Politically, Republicans are rudderless. Morale among activists is the lowest it's been since Watergate's nadir. Many conservatives have resigned themselves to the inevitability ...

Fool Me Twice

Hillary Clinton’s unsatisfactory explanation why she voted for Wolfowitz’s War is worth revisiting. “Operation Iraqi Freedom” must be an embarrassment to ...

Flogging Brother Ass

Francis subjected himself and his followers to a poverty that appalled their fellow beggars, fasting frequently and sleeping on dirt (when perfectly good piles of filthy straw ...

Sex, Politics, and Gnosticism

Not very long ago I walked into my bedroom and found The Art and Science of Love at the foot of the bed. I dwell in a typical Manhattan apartment, where any book may turn up ...

William Hawkins, Loser

This account by William R. Hawkins of the debate on the Iraq war held at the recent meeting of the John Randolph Club, in Washington, D.C., is hilarious, albeit unintentionally. ...

The Subversion of Lawrence Dennis

Dennis was a prophet without much honor in his own time. His influence was often indirect, and, in any case, was exercised behind the scenes, such as his colloquy with Lindbergh, ...

Did I Kill Robert Lowell?

I knew nothing of Lowell. I knew nothing of poetry, other than the sub rosa collection of obscene limericks then doing the classroom rounds, thanks largely to myself. I knew ...

More about Islamofascism

Reading reviews in the national press about Norman Podhoretz's The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism (Doubleday), I was struck by how oblivious to certain facts the reviewers of ...

A Hack’s Catechism

Anybody who has ever made merry by leafing through an issue of Cosmopolitan knows that today's successful young woman is happily married yet still happier single, that she stands ...

Scheuer Decks Maher

This exchange between Michael Scheuer —former head of the bin Laden unit and author of the brilliant Imperial Hubris —and the idiotic Bill Maher is a ...

Ahmadinejad’s Point: Shi”€™ism and Sodomy

The National Post opines: “Of all the provocative things for the Iranian president to say in his rambling address, the strangest has to be his contention that there are no ...

Wake Me At Armageddon

Cheney and Bush will not be impeached and they cannot be stopped from attacking Iran. There is no way a Democratic-controlled Capitol Hill in 2007-2008 is going to impeach Edgar ...

Iraq In Extremis

Great. That’s all we need. There is ” title=“a cholera epidemic”>a cholera epidemic in Iraq caused by the “decrepit water supply system”. The ...

Who’s Infallible Here, Anyway? The Human Life Review Chooses Party Over Church

Catholic neocons are ratcheting up their attacks on those of us who dare to uphold BOTH the Church's teaching on abortion AND her teaching on Just War. God forbid that Catholics ...

Ron Paul-Fanatics

A few days ago I was diverted from working on my computer by an exchange on FOX between Bill O"€™Reilly and someone described as his "€œombudswoman."€ The lady in question ...

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