Shame on Heritage

An announcement received on my email indicates that Abraham Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League, has been invited to Heritage Foundation on October 18 to deliver a ...

Morning Web Stroll

Okay, so it isn’t quite “morning” on the East Coast, but we all know the center of the universe is situated somewhere very close to Puccini’s cafe in North ...

Hitchens Unhinged

Writer Christopher Hitchens has hit the jackpot. His new book, God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, has proved a runaway bestseller. Why, then, is Mr. Hitchens so ...

Uh Oh …

Hmmmm…. This story about the fire-sprinkler system not working at the $597 million US embassy in Iraq is getting some circulation, but the headline buries the real news. ...

How Much is an Iraqi Life Worth?

The Blackwater massacre is only the latest in a long line of mercenary misdeeds in Iraq. In January, a Blackwater contractor, Andrew Moonen, shot and killed a bodyguard for one of ...

The Neocons and Charles Maurras

Is there a useful comparison to be drawn between Maurras, a monarchist and religious skeptic who enlisted French Catholicism for political purposes, and the Straussian boosters of ...

End Times Fandango

Bill Moyers has done it again. To observe some of my fellow countrymen acting like imbeciles is disturbing. I suppose one should be inured to it by now. Still, it is deplorable. ...

Three Los Angeles Prophets: Gene Scott, Aimee McPherson & The Amazing Criswell

One night in 1962, on the Tonight Show, Criswell had declared that "€œI predict that President Kennedy will not run for reelection in 1964, because of something that will happen ...

Lefties Notice Us

An article in the rather odd little magazine Democratiya, a liberal-left pro-interventionist Euston Manifesto-ish periodical run out of some minor British university, reports on ...

Norman Podhoretz: Unknown Soldier of the War Party?

How clueless is Rush Limbaugh? This clueless: “You know, when I talk about people who labor behind the scenes and are working hard down there in the basements and they get ...

Mr. P and Wounded Puppies

The latest from Ramesh Ponnuru on the National Review blog: “Paleos make highly charged attacks on their enemies on the Right and then expect to be treated like wounded ...

Remember the Liberty

Israel is our friend—right? Well, not quite, as the latest revelations about the sinking of the USS Liberty make all too clear, and the survivors of that attack—in ...

The Lobby Strikes Back

The reviews of The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy are coming in, and—yes, I know you’re shocked—they largely confirm the book’s thesis: that the Lobby ...

Greenwich Village for Ron Paul

It's been a delightful summer for the paleocon contingent here in Greenwich Village "€“ which I am happy (and amazed) to report isn"€™t comprised solely of me "€“ for ...

When in Doubt . . .

The recent decision by the Catholic bishops of Connecticut to allow Catholic hospitals in the state to administer the “morning after pill” to rape victims has, quite ...

A New Humanism in Europe

Europe's nature seems to be destined to change deeply within a few decades. First of all, it is highly likely that nationalist parties will grow, becoming increasingly relevant in ...

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